Ethiopia Remains Committed in Advancing Africa’s Common Positions on Environment
Sep 18, 2024 484
Addis Ababa September 18/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to advancing Africa’s common position on the environmental related affairs, according to the Ministry of Planning and Development. As the current chair of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN), the East African nation shared its strategic approaches in addressing the issue of climate change in the 10th Special Session of AMCEN was held in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. The session was conducted from 30 August to 6 September 2024 under the theme “Raising Africa’s Ambition to Reduce Land Degradation, Desertification, and Drought,” it was learned. Briefing journalists today, Environment and Climate Change Agreement Strategic Partnership Head at the Ministry of Planning and Development Mensur Dessie said Ethiopia will work towards advancing the common environmental issues of the African continent. Ministers have endorsed an Omnibus decision on advancing Africa’s common positions at Conferences of the parties and other meetings, the head stated. Mensur underscored that Ethiopia has been doing utmost effort towards realizing the stands of the continent on environment . He added that the adoption of the Abidjan Declaration on raising Africa’s ambition to reduce desertification, land degradation and drought was a pivotal achievement of the conference. Ethiopia will play its role in order to maintain a unified voice and common positions to address common challenges of Africa in this regard, Mensur affirmed. The head also renewed Ethiopia’s firm stand to intensify its critical role in the priorities of the continent. According to the Africa Natural Capital Atlas, Africa holds 8 percent of the world’s natural gas, 12 percent of its oil reserves, and 30 percent of global mineral deposits while its fisheries are valued at over 24 billion USD, and it contains more than 60 percent of the world’s undeveloped arable land. However, Mensur emphasized that having a unified and common position to the environmental challenges that the continent is facing is of paramount importance.    
Ozone Layer Still Well on Track for Full Recovery: WMO
Sep 17, 2024 646
Addis Ababa, September 17/2024 (ENA) New evidence in the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) annual Ozone and UV Bulletin published on Monday reveals strong evidence that the ozone layer is well on track for a long-term recovery. According to the WMO, the ozone layer that shields the earth from cancer-causing ultraviolet rays is showing signs of thickening after years of depletion. The World Meteorological Organization announced this in its annual WMO Ozone and UV Bulletin issued on Monday, with information on the state of the ozone layer and on measures to protect human health and the environment from damaging ultraviolet radiation. The Ozone and UV Bulletin’s release coincides with World Ozone Day which celebrates the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and the later amendment to the pact, known as the Kigali Agreement. That key international agreement saw an end to the production of “damaging ozone-depleting substances.” Noting that the ozone layer is on the road to recovery, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said further protection measures are essential. “The Protocol’s Kigali Amendment, which focuses on phasing down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – powerful climate-warming gases – can contribute to advancing climate mitigation efforts, protecting people and planet,” the Secretary-General said. “And that is needed more than ever, as temperature records continue to shatter.” The UN weather agency said ozone could recover to 1980 levels - before any hole in the ozone layer appeared - by around 2066 over the Antarctic if current policies remain. This could also lead to full recovery of the layer by 2045 over the Arctic and 2040 for the rest of the world. Matt Tully, Chair of WMO’s Scientific Advisory Group on Ozone and Solar UV Radiation, said the organization’s Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme is continuously providing crucial support for ozone science by means of observations, analysis, modelling, data stewardship and capacity-building. “It is critical that observations of ozone, ozone-depleting substances and ultraviolet (UV) radiation are maintained with the quality, resolution and global coverage necessary to account for changes in ozone over the coming decades,” Tully said. “Many factors will influence the expected recovery of ozone, which must be fully measured and understood.” WMO’s bulletin also provided details on strategies to protect human health and the environment from ultraviolet radiation while exploring the impact of weather patterns and a significant volcanic eruption, on the Antarctic ozone hole in 2023. While the bulletin details positive changes to the Antarctic ozone hole, it found that are atmospheric events can have a big impact on how the ozone hole develops periodically. WMO says scientists still have some gaps in understanding these variables and will continue to monitor the ozone layer closely to explain any unexpected changes.
Ethiopia Seeks collaboration with BRICS Countries in Sustainable Reforestation Endeavors
Sep 13, 2024 1525
Addis Ababa, September 13/2024 (ENA)Ethiopia aims to collaborate with other BRICS countries to exchange knowledge and best practices in sustainable forestry and reforestation as a bloc member. Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA) revealed that it has participated on issues of climate change and just transition in Africa and the BRICS Agenda on Tuesday at the African Union (AU). The policy dialogue on Africa and the BRICS Agenda on Climate and the Just Transition is a collaborative effort between the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and the Institute of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, according to the Institute. In his opening remarks, Jafar Bedru, Executive Director of Institute of Foreign Affairs mentioned that as a BRICS group member, Ethiopia aims to collaborate with other BRICS countries to exchange knowledge and best practices in sustainable forestry and reforestation. Through partnerships with BRICS members, Ethiopia also seeks to enhance its capacity to implement climate-resilient and low-carbon development strategies in alignment with the goals of the AU Agenda 2063. The Executive Director underscored that this collaboration can facilitate access to renewable energy technologies, financial resources, and technical expertise among BRICS countries, further supporting their energy transition. Ethiopia’s commitment to demonstrate to fight deforestation and forest degradation through the Green Legacy Initiative (GLI) was mentioned at the workshop, it was indicated. Therefore, the workshop aims to bolster the voices of BRICS countries on climate change actions and the just transition agenda, as well as facilitate knowledge sharing and strengthen the BRICS think tank network. During the dialogue, Terekhin, Ambassador of Russia in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, BRICS member think tank institutes, AU representatives concerned with the topic, and various researchers have taken part.  
Ethiopia Expresses Unwavering Commitment for Climate Related Actions Initiatives 
Sep 6, 2024 4278
Addis Ababa September 6/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment for climate and environment policy and actions across sectors. State Minister of Planning and Development, Seyoum Mekonen, met Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP and Mr. Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of UNFCCC in the sideline of the 10th Special Session of AMCEN which is being held in Abidjan, Cote DIvoire from 5th to 6th September 2024. The State Minister explained that the innovative action where the Government of Ethiopia has been strategically addressing the issue of climate change and environment by restructuring these issues under the Ministry of Planning and Development According to him, the restructuring works are imperative for a robust mainstreaming of these matters into the National Development Planning process.   Seyoum proudly explained the practical climate actions where the Government and people of Ethiopia undertaking to address the pressing challenges of climate change through Green Legacy where the initiative managed to plant about 32.5 billion seedlings that have both ecological as well as food and fodder trees and grasses. The initiative entertained an incredible achievement of increasing the forest cover of Ethiopia from 17.2 percent in 2017 to 23.6 percent in 2023, it was indicated. The initiative has also improved the food system transformation in Ethiopia through the ‘Bounty of Basket' (Ye Lemat Tirufat ) that focused on promoting food sovereignty as package of the Green Legacy Initiative. “The UNEP office deserved to be strengthened considering Addis Ababa is the seat for the Africa Union and all other diplomatic missions and requested Inger for her leadership in this regard” Seyoum stressed the importance of the UN agencies for the delivery of the national environmental and climate policies and strategies. On her part, Executive Director of UNEP, Inger Andersen praised Ethiopia's remarkable leadership in environmental and climate initiatives, particularly highlighting the renowned Green Legacy program.   She expressed her interest in aligning this initiative with the recently announced UN Decade of Ecological Restoration, led by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Inspired by Ethiopia's multifaceted leadership in environmental issues, she expressed a desire to collaborate with Ethiopia to enhance UNEP's effectiveness. “COP29 must establish ambitious, quantifiable climate finance goals that are accessible to countries with limited capacity, including those in Africa and least developed countries like Ethiopia,” Seyoum stated, highlighting Ethiopia’s priorities for COP29 to the UNFCCC Executive Secretary. He further noted: “As the chair of AMCEN, Ethiopia aims to unify the region's voice, ensuring it is heard.” Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of UNFCCC appreciated Ethiopia’s ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) while commending the Government of Ethiopia’s plan to submit the 3rd generation NDC (NDC3.0). He further expressed his commitment for mobilizing the financial resources to Ethiopia for achieving the development and submission of Ethiopia’s NDC having the whole of society being applied. Simon shared his commitment for having a New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Change (NCQG) with his hope that the divergences on the sources of finance and the quality of it. The two parties agreed to continue their bilateral consultation towards a shared interest in the time to come.          
Representatives of Embassies in Addis Ababa Lauds Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative 
Aug 29, 2024 5430
Addis Ababa August 29/2024 (ENA) Representatives of various embassies based in Addis Ababa have commended Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative emphasizing its critical contribution to mitigating the impacts of climate change. The representatives made the remark while planting seedlings at the premises of National Intelligence University as part of the ongoing nationwide tree planting campaign. Ethiopia is carrying out the 6th round of tree planting campaign as part of the Green Legacy Initiative during this rainy season targeting to plant 7.5 billion seedlings across the nation under the theme “A Nation that plants; a Generation that Sustains.” Accordingly, representatives of various embassies in Addis participated at the campaign by planting seedlings in the premises of National Intelligence University as part of the ongoing nationwide tree planting campaign. On the occasion, they commended Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative emphasizing its critical contribution to mitigating the impacts of climate change. They also said that the initiative ought to be adopted globally, stressing its contribution to lower carbon emissions and build a climate change-resilient environment. The diplomats acknowledged Ethiopia’s critical role in ensuring the peace and stability of the region, affirming the continuation of enhanced cooperation in terms of information exchange and other collaborations.  
Ethiopians Planted Over 615 Million Seedlings from Dawn to Dusk Campaign: PM Abiy
Aug 23, 2024 5902
Addis Ababa, August 23/2024 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced this evening that 615.7 million seedlings have been planted from the dawn to dusk planting campaign held today across Ethiopia. All Ethiopians set out to plant 600 million saplings from sunrise to sunset today, Prime Minister Abiy said, adding “Refusing to let the sun set without achieving our goal, we surpassed it, planting an astounding 615.7 million saplings by the end of the day.” He added that “children have planted their hope. Young people have demonstrated their resilience. The elderly have left a legacy.” From one corner of the country to another, Ethiopians stepped out and made their mark, the PM remarked. “With our unwavering spirit and perseverance, we accomplished overnight what has never been done anywhere else in the world. Today, we stand for climate balance, line up against soil degradation, and commit to ensuring food security, ” the premier pointed out. Ethiopia has worked relentlessly to restore the prosperity of the country, he said adding “With the Creator's help, we achieved what we set out to do by today's sunset.” In total, 29.1 million citizens planted saplings across 318.4 hectares of geospatially mapped locations, he said and added that the planting efforts outside the registered database will continue to be reported. The prime minister noted that this is a testament to the incredible solidarity and perseverance of Ethiopians, extending gratitude to all who have participated in the process. “Our gratitude goes out to the leaders, professionals, and media institutions who played key roles in planning, monitoring, and ensuring the success of this initiative. Together, our ambition is to build and sustain a better Ethiopia, and our efforts will continue,” PM Abiy concluded.
NISS Chief Urges Nation to Reinforce Reforestation Efforts to Ensure Sustainable Future for Ethiopia 
Aug 23, 2024 1985
Addis Ababa, August 23/2024 (ENA) The Director General of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), Ambassador Redwan Hussien has joined the nationwide overnight tree planting campaign today. Millions of Ethiopians from all over the nation turned out in the early morning today to break their own planting record by planting 600 million seedlings in a single day. This ambitious from dawn to dusk tree planting campaign is part of the Green Legacy Initiative being implemented in Ethiopia since 2019. The Director General of NISS, Ambassador Redwan Hussain has joined the campaign by planting seedlings this morning. On the occasion, Redwan emphasized that the Green Legacy Initiative has a significant impact on the nation which remarkably improve the landscape and helped mitigate the effects of climate change. He also encouraged citizens to continue participating in reforestation efforts to ensure a sustainable future for Ethiopia. Ethiopia has made remarkable strides in the last five years to increase the country's forest cover, with outstanding increases of 23.6 percent by 2023 compared to 17.2 percent in 2019. Reliable sources state that in five years, starting in 2019, the country has planted 32.5 billion tree seedlings. Some 7.5 billion additional seedlings are expected to be planted this rainy season to make the total number of seedlings planted 40 billion thus far.            
Green Legacy Benefits Not Only Ethiopia But Also Global Community: Director-General
Aug 23, 2024 1898
Addis Ababa, August 23/2024 (ENA) -The Green Legacy does not only benefit Ethiopia but also the broader global community, Public Procurement and Property Authority (PPPA) Director-General Meseret Meskele underscored. Millions of Ethiopians have been turning out since the early morning to smash their own planting record by planting 600 million seedlings in a single day today. PPPA Director-General Meseret Meskele, along with her colleagues and employees of the authority, has participated in the planting campaign at Entoto Park in Addis Ababa.   She told ENA that her authority has been participating in the Green legacy Initiative to mitigate the impacts of climate change and challenges of food insecurity. According to her, the initiative is a valuable program of broader impact as it benefits not just Ethiopia but also the global community. “The Green Legacy Initiative is of paramount importance to the world at large. In Ethiopia, all segments of the society are engaged in planting seedlings of the Green Legacy Initiative that the prime minister took lead,” the director-general stated. Moreover, she pointed out that the initiative is of crucial importance in mitigating climate change and environmental pollution as well as maintaining healthy environment, conducive agro-ecology and tourism development. The initiative further promotes the good image of Ethiopia globally in the effort to mitigate climate change, Meseret noted. “I believe the Green Legacy Initiative is a great move towards creating an enabling environment to mitigate climate change, air pollution, foster conducive agro-ecology, tourism development and the other economy of the country.” Ethiopia has made remarkable strides in the last five years to increase the country's forest coverage, with outstanding increases of 23.6 percent by 2023 compared to 17.2 percent in 2019.
Regional Chief Administrators Stress Significance of Green Legacy in Creating Sustainable Dev  
Aug 23, 2024 886
Addis Ababa, August 23/2024 (ENA) Chief Administrators of Amhara and South West Ethiopia regional states have stressed the significance of the Green Legacy Initiative in creating sustainable development and social cooperation/cohesion. Millions of Ethiopians have been participating in planting 600 million saplings under the theme: “A nation that plants, a generation that perseveres.” After taking part in planting, Amhara Region Chief Administrator Arega Kebede said we are exposed to problems of climate change, desertification and productivity decline. Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Ethiopia has embarked on the Green Legacy Initiative to increase agricultural productivity, prevent climate change, and ensure food security, he added. According to him, the initiative has an important goal of harmonizing relations between man and nature. In this regard, the Ethiopian people are expected to create a clean environment for the next generation by taking care of nature. South West Ethiopia Chief Administrator, Negash Wagesho said the Green Legacy Initiative’s contribution in facilitating comprehensive environmental protection and economic growth is crucial.The program initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is contributing to the prevention of climate change, he pointed out. Negash added that this initiative will contribute to promoting Ethiopia’s efforts in environmental protection, he . The chief administrator revealed that edible saplings and fruits of strategic economic value have been planted since the program started in the region.      
Green Legacy Initiative Brought Great Benefits to Pastoral Community in Afar: Chief Administrator
Aug 23, 2024 906
Addis Ababa, August 23/2024 (ENA) TChief Administrator of Afar Region Awol Arba emphasized that the green legacy initiative has brought great benefits to the pastoral community in the region. Ethiopians around the country are carrying out an overnight 600 million tree planting campaign today. The overnight plantation program has kicked off with the presence of the Chief Administrator Awol Arba in Afar this morning. On the occasion, he emphasized that the green legacy initiative has brought great benefits to the pastoral community in the region. "We are planting for a greener future," he said, adding that “the event, aimed at combating desertification, ensuring food security, and providing animal feed, which was also a testament to the nation's commitment to environmental protection. The fruits of the efforts exerted so far are already evident, he said, adding that pointing to the edible fruit trees planted in previous years to building a better Ethiopia." The Chief Administrator expressed his determination to contribute to the national effort. "We will work tirelessly until the last sapling is planted as this is a moment for our nation to be proud." Awol further said that through the participation of the initiative, the people will make the country and the generation so proud. The massive single day tree-planting campaign was inspired by a call made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2024 to plant 600 million saplings. Ethiopians from all walks of life have been actively participating in the initiative, leaving their mark on the country's landscape.  
Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative Great Legacy Not Only for Today But Future Generations: Mayor Adanech
Aug 23, 2024 837
Addis Ababa, August 23/2024 (ENA)-Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative is a great legacy not only for today but also for the future generations, Mayor of Addis Ababa Adanech Abiebie remarked. Mayor of Addis Ababa Adanech Abiebie made the remark this morning while leaving her legacy by participating at a single day 600 million tree sampling campaign held at the ICT Park in the capital.   Residents of the capital, diplomats, religious and other segments of the society are taking part at trees planting event across the city starting early in the morning. Ethiopians from all walks of life are actively participating at this tree planting event, which is part of the National Green Legacy Initiative launched in 2019 by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed with the objective of mitigating the impacts of climate change and challenges of food insecurity. In her message the Mayor extended on the occasion she said said that people are actively participating in the green legacy program in Addis Ababa.   The mayor said on the occasion that “Green Legacy Initiative is finally bringing about fundamental changes for the country's prosperity, combating climate change and ensuring food security.” Hence, the green legacy is a great legacy not only for today but also for future generations, she said pointing out the enhanced forest coverage of the City that registered impressive improvement of 20 percent from 2.8 percent before the implementation of the initiative five years ago.  
PP Top Official Vows to Leave Green Ethiopia for Future Generations
Aug 23, 2024 839
Addis Ababa, August 23/2024 (ENA)-“Together, we will build a green, beautiful, and comfortable Ethiopia for future generations," Prosperity Party (PP) Public and International Relations Head. Dr. Bikila Hurisa declared. Millions of Ethiopians responded to the call to participate in the nationwide tree-planting initiative on a single day today.   The ambitious goal of planting 600 million saplings was set, and people from all walks of life joined the effort to make a positive impact on their environment. Leaders from the Prosperity Party's main office also took part in the historic event, planting trees alongside residents of the capital city. Bikila Hurisa, the head of the party's public and international relations, expressed confidence that the ambitious target of planting 600 million saplings overnight would be achieved. He highlighted the community's preparedness, with seedlings and planting sites already established during the summer months. With the onset of the rainy season, efforts were focused on fulfilling this target and working towards the broader goal of planting 7.5 billion trees. Bikila emphasized that planting saplings is only the first step. He stressed the importance of ongoing care and nurturing to ensure the saplings thrive and contribute to forestry, agriculture, tourism, and other sectors. He expressed the vision of a green, beautiful, and comfortable Ethiopia, which would be passed on to future generations.
Ethiopian News Agency