UN Reaffirms Commitment to Ethiopia’s Path Toward Lasting Peace, Sustainable Dev’t
Sep 20, 2024 70
Addis Ababa, September 20, 2024 (ENA) The United Nations reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Ethiopia in its pursuit of comprehensive and lasting peace and sustainable development. The 2024 international day of peace celebrated in Addis Ababa under the theme "Cultivating a Culture of Peace." The event brought together key partners and stakeholders, including the Government of Ethiopia, civil society organizations, academia, religious institutions, youth and women networks and peace advocates to discuss the central role of engaging youth and women for achieving lasting peace in Ethiopia. In his remarks to the commemoration on behalf of the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia, Samuel Doe, UNDP Resident Representative, said peace is not merely the absence of conflict. It is a dynamic process that requires effort, commitment, and resilience. “Ethiopia, rich in history and diversity, is on a journey toward lasting and comprehensive peace; this journey is not just a goal, but an ongoing commitment to cultivate a culture of peace, a culture that embodies justice, equality and hope,” he stated. Hence, Ethiopia has embarked on this path to guarantee its vision of unity and prosperity. Moreover, he added that the UN family is supporting the efforts in advancing the woman, security and youth, peace and security agendas in Ethiopia. He emphasized that empowering women and youth is crucial to the vision of peace, he said.   “The youth of Ethiopia represent the hope and future of this nation. By integrating their voices and contributions into peace processes, we are ensuring that our efforts are inclusive and representative of all segments of society.” Hence, he reaffirmed UN's commitment to standing by Ethiopia in its search for comprehensive and durable peace and sustainable development. Executive Director of Peace Building at the Ministry of Peace, Aweka Atnefu emphasized that peace is a fundamental principle that begins within each individual and cannot be valued at any price. He stressed that all citizens have a role to play in maintaining peace and stability, and they should engage with a sense of ownership in the ongoing peace-building process. Atnefu added that United Nation agencies are collaborating closely with the ministry on various initiatives, including training programs for women and youth. The Peace Day is observed around the world each year on the 21 of September. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. In that declaration, the United Nations’ most inclusive body recognized that peace “not only is the absence of conflict, but also requires a positive, dynamic participatory process where dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.” established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.  
Ethiopia Won’t Passively Observe Attempts to Destabilize Region, Thwart its Dev’t: Spokesperson
Sep 19, 2024 712
Addis Ababa, September 19, 2024 (ENA) Ethiopia will not passively observe any attempts to destabilize the region as well as to thwart its development efforts, the newly appointed Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Nebiat Getachew remarked. The Spokesperson delivered the bi-weekly press briefing to local and international correspondents today on current affairs as well as regional and global issues of interest to Ethiopia. While addressing geopolitical dynamics in the Horn of Africa, Ambassador Nebiat said, Ethiopia’s foreign policy prioritizes neighboring countries and anchors Ethiopia’s pivotal role in the region’s peace, stability and development. In this regard, he added that Ethiopia will not passively observe any attempts to destabilize the region as well as to thwart its development efforts. The spokesperson reiterated that Ethiopia’s diplomacy prioritizes peace, security, mutual development, and regional integration based on principle and reciprocity. Meanwhile, the country is monitoring the recent acts in its neighbors, he noted. According to him, Ethiopia will avoid engaging in hostile rhetoric aimed to distort its focus. However, we will not only continue monitoring actions in neighboring countries affecting Ethiopia’s national interest but respond, Nebiat emphasized. Nevertheless, he reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes and regional cooperation. The country is actively engaged in diplomatic efforts to promote peace, security, and sustainable development in the region and on a global scale, according to him. Speaking of the upcoming and 79th United Nations General Assembly at the UN Headquarters in New York, the Spokesman stated, the Ethiopian delegation has wrapped up its preparations to actively participate in the deliberations in a manner that it reflects and promotes the national interests of Ethiopia. Parallel to championing its national interests, Ambassador Nebiat noted, Ethiopia will also keenly uphold African interests across issues of African concern. He also mentioned the fact that, the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) will be conducted under the theme "Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations”. The high-level delegation will also take part in other side meetings and events to further enhance Ethiopia’s interests and upscale Ethiopia’s principled participation in multilateral fora, he told journalists. Ethiopia will actively engage in bilateral and multilateral discussions in the margins of the assembly, he said. During the General Assembly, the Foreign Ministers of East African countries contributing troops to the African Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) will discuss their ongoing efforts and the way forward, the spokesperson disclosed. Yet, Ambassador Nebiat revealed that the third round of Ethiopia-Somalia discussions, facilitated by Turkey, which was set for September 17, 2024, has been postponed due to the clash of scheduling with the United Nations General Assembly meetings. Ethiopia's foreign policy is centered on fostering strong relationships with its neighbors and promoting regional integration based on mutual respect and cooperation for sustainable development. In the area of economic and citizen-centred diplomacy, the Spokesperson underscored the fact that the Ministry together with Ethiopia’s diplomatic and consular missions as well as other key stakeholders is focused on leveraging opportunities around the world to market Ethiopian products, to expand market options, and to attract foreign direct investment towards realizing our national development aspirations.
Ethiopia Plays Pivotal Role in Region, Africa: Senator Hugues Saury
Sep 17, 2024 948
Addis Ababa September 17/2024 (ENA) Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, earlier today, received at his office a high-level delegation led by the President of the Horn of Africa Friendship Group of the Parliament of France, Senator Hugues Saury. During the talks, Minister Taye, while reiterating the longstanding diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and France, commended the strong ties between the sisterly countries in the areas of development cooperation, trade, investment and culture. He also mentioned the fact that, the Horn of Africa commands the attention of various actors due to its key geostrategic locus and geopolitical significance. Ambassador Taye also noted, Ethiopia as a country with a fast-growing population and ever-expanding economy it is imperative that it guarantees a sustainable access to the sea through give and take and peaceful means to meet the rising demands of its citizens. Speaking of the post-ATMIS scenario in neighbouring Somalia, the Minister briefed the delegation on the need to carefully consider the possible deployment of a multinational peace-keeping force in the country. President of Horn of Africa Friendship Group of the Parliament of France, on his part said, Ethiopia is an anchor state that continues to play a pivotal role in regional and continental affairs of shared importance. He added, respective governments need to work closely to further enhance the bilateral relations between France and Ethiopia.Senator Saury is the Secretary of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces of the Senate of the French Republic. The French Delegation led by Saury included France Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Alexis Lamek, Friendship group with the Horn of Africa Vice-President, Senator Raphaël Daubet, Friendship group with the Horn of Africa Vice-President, Senator Laurence Harribey, Friendship group with the Horn of Africa Secretary, Xavier Dupriez and First secretary Charlelie Marie.
Transitional Justice Instrumental to Build Comprehensive Democratic System in Ethiopia
Sep 17, 2024 861
Addis Ababa, September 17/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia’s Justice State Minister, Ermias Yemanebirhan underscored that the Transitional Justice Policy planned to be implemented in Ethiopia will help the ongoing efforts to build a comprehensive democratic system in the country, highlighting the irreplaceable role of the media for its full implementation. Addressing a training which is being given for media leaders and experts in Addis Ababa regarding transitional justice policy and implementation roadmap, Erimias said that transitional justice will help the efforts to build a comprehensive democratic system in the country. For the state minister, transitional justice will lay the foundation for building a country where victim citizens are compensated, and peace, stability, reconciliation and the rule of law ensured. Efforts are being carried out to properly respond to the problems that happened in Ethiopia through the principle of reconciliation, compensation, forgiveness and accountability, he pointed out. Accordingly, a policy implementation roadmap has been prepared following the completion of the transitional policy preparation activities. The preparation of legislations that establish the criminalization and punishment of international crimes in Ethiopia and organize the truth, amnesty and reparations commission as well as other entities responsible for implementation of various pillars of the transitional justice process is already underway. Noting that the active participation of the public is crucial in the efforts to build a peaceful and democratic country by healing wrongdoings, he said the mass media have the responsibility of educating and creating awareness to raise people's participation to the needed level. The state minister finally emphasized that the media has an irreplaceable role to play in the efforts to ensure the full implementation of transitional justice.
Ethiopia Committed to Demonstrate Role of Digital Identity to Empower Citizens, Enhance Access to Essential Services
Sep 16, 2024 923
Addis Ababa September 16/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia reaffirmed its commitment to demonstrating the role of digital identity in empowering citizens, enhancing access to essential services, and contributing to economic growth. The National ID Program announced today a series of events celebrating the 2024 International Identity Day, celebrated globally on September 16 under the theme "Celebrating the Right to Be Visible." This year’s theme underscores the critical importance of inclusive identity systems that empower individuals and communities, the National ID Program said in a press release. “Having an identity is not just a human right, it is essential to access services, protect our rights, and fully participate in the social and economic arenas. Everyone deserves an identity. Everyone deserves the right to be visible,” it added. Thus, from September 13th to 20th, the National ID Program will host various activities, including a High Level Webinar Series in collaboration with the Office of the Prime Minister and Government Communications Service, alongside the ID Day 2024 celebrations and Fayda mass registration in key locations across the country. The initiative aims to raise awareness about the significance of an inclusive digital identity system in fostering effective governance, enhancing security, promoting social inclusion, and improving access to essential services. One of the highlights of the celebration will be a High Level Webinar Series, where distinguished experts from key global organizations such as ID4Africa and the World Bank along with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and National Bank of Ethiopia, will be sharing insights on the role of Identity in Transforming Governance through Digitization. To further engage communities, digital screens will be set up in major city locations promoting Ethiopia’s flagship project Fayda Digital ID and city wide tour and promotions to encourage residents to register for Fayda which has so far issued Digital IDs to close to 10 million residents nationwide. The Identity Day (ID Day) Campaign seeks to establish September 16 as a globally recognized day to highlight the fundamental importance of having robust and verifiable proof of identity. This campaign addresses the critical need for a commemorative day for identity, reflecting its status as a fundamental human right and a practical necessity in today’s digital era.   The date, September 16 (16.9), symbolically references UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9, which aims to provide legal identity, including birth registration, to all individuals by 2030. ID Day raises awareness about the alarming reality that approximately 850 million people worldwide, most of whom reside in Africa, lack any form of official identification. The same holds true for 40 percent of Ethiopians. This highlights the urgent need for full inclusion, according to a press release issued by the National ID Program. It also serves as a reminder for those with identification to have access to secure ID thereby having an easier, digital and faster access to services while safeguarding their privacy. By celebrating ID Day, Ethiopia reaffirms its commitment to demonstrating the role of digital identity in empowering citizens, enhancing access to essential services, and contributing to economic growth, the National ID Program affirmed in its press release. The country’s advancements in digital identity, exemplified by the Fayda ID, positions Ethiopia as a leader in Africa’s digital transformation, it concluded.  
Ethiopia, China Vow to Enhance Military Cooperation
Sep 15, 2024 1917
Addis Ababa, September 15/2024 (ENA) Top Ethiopian and Chinese military officers pledged to further enhance military cooperation on Sunday. Ethiopia’s high-level military delegation led by Chief of General Staff of Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), Field Marshal Birhanu Jula is participating in the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum. The 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum is being held from with unprecedented participation from over 100 countries and organizations under the theme: "Promoting Peace for a Shared Future." And this year's event features critical discussions on global security, regional stability, and innovative technologies in defense, it was learned. On the sidelines of the forum, Field Marshal Birhanu held talks with General Liu Zhenli, a member of China's Central Military Commission (CMC) and Chief of staff of the CMC Joint Staff Department. During the discussion, both sides reached an agreement to work together in spheres of Fifth-Generation Warfare (5GW), technology transfer, military equipment and military capacity building. The top military officers have also vowed to lift bilateral military cooperation to new heights, according to ENDF’s social media page. Moreover, Field Marshal Birhanu and Zhenli signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formalize their commitments and translate it into practice. Ethiopian Ambassador to China, Tefera Derbew, expressed confirmed that the senior military delegation’s participation in the forum and subsequent bilateral meetings is expected to strengthen the capabilities of the Ethiopian defense forces.      
S. Korean Ambassador Lauds Ethiopia's Political Commitment in Executing Green Legacy Initiative, Corridor Dev't 
Sep 14, 2024 1312
Addis Ababa September 14/2024 (ENA)South Korea's ambassador to Ethiopia Jung Kang commended the Ethiopian Government’s political commitment in executing the ongoing corridor development in Addis Ababa and the Green Legacy Initiative across the country. In an exclusive interview with ENA, Ambassador Kang said that the Green Legacy Initiative, spearheaded by Prime Minister Abiy, is pivotal and huge number of the population is participating. Recalling that South Korea had passed through similar transition, the Ambassador pointed out that it will have significant role in the overall development of the country. "The whole plan (Green Legacy Initiative) was quite impressive and as part of this plan; I think the corridor project is, executed and still underway. I think it really changed the face of the city. And it is more clean and more bright and more modern,” he elaborated. The corridor development being underway in the capital city, Addis Ababa, will also create jobs, Kang stated, and emphasized it will also transform the city into more interesting one. “It was still a very good city, but it is transforming through this project. It is attracting more development, I guess, and probably missions, and hopefully investors as well,” Ambassador Kang anticipated. According to the Ambassador, the political commitment of the leadership in the implementation of the Green Legacy Initiative has effectively brought massive number of the population onboard. “From what I see, it was quite impressive and quite motivating,” he noted. Ethiopia has actively embarked on extensive tree planting over the past five years, having planted a remarkable number of seedlings so far. Pursuant to the country’s ambitious plan of planting 50 billion trees, Ethiopia has planted over 615.7 million seedlings in a single day on August 23, 2024 and 29.1 million citizens across the country turn out in planting the saplings.      
Ethiopia Ushers in New Year with Renewed Hope and Determination: PM Abiy
Sep 10, 2024 2078
Addis Ababa September 10/2024 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said Ethiopia will be ushering in the coming New Year with renewed hope and determination. In his New Year message, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed extended his best wishes for the country and its people. Premier Abiy explained that there are chapters in our history that we are proud of, times in our lives that make us happy. For him, those chapters and times are nothing else and these times when we have made good use of the opportunity given to us. Ethiopians are preparing to bid farewell to 2016 E.C and welcoming the New Year 2017 E.C with a sense of optimism and a renewed commitment to progress, Abiy emphasized. According to the premier, time is an opportunity but using time is the result of work. We all are given equally but the difference is created by working and not working in time, the Prime Minister elaborated. Recalling the previous year that has been marked by both challenges and triumphs, but the premier appreciated the nation's resilience and determination that have carried it forward, he added. He emphasized the importance of seizing the opportunities presented by the incoming New Year (2024/25) and urged citizens to work together to address the nation's challenges and build a brighter future for all. As passage of time is inevitable and no one can halt its progression, the Prime Minister stressed the need for seizing the opportunity, adding that “it's up to us to make the most of the moments it presents.” Abiy also believed that the course of history is shaped not by mere circumstances, but by the actions of individuals and societies. Thus, he underlined on the importance of shaping the times, not the other way around. He further elaborated Ethiopia's history is a testament to the power of human agency. While external forces can influence our path, our own actions ultimately determine our destiny. He wished to make this new year of transformation by implementing the country's plans, completing its mega projects successfully, resolving conflicts peacefully and addressing historical grievances. “We can create a brighter future for Ethiopia,” the premier underscored, noting that, “making the year to heal past wounds, and build a foundation for a prosperous future and create a legacy that our children will be proud to inherit,” he argued
Ethiopia’s Sovereign Prestige Benchmarks Our Forefathers Patriotism: FM Taye
Sep 10, 2024 1595
Addis Ababa September 10/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia’s sovereign prestige is drawn from the selfless and gallant patriotism of our forefathers, Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie said. Foreign Minister Taye told ENA that the sovereignty of countries have constituted in legal form from the II world war onwards while Ethiopia’s sovereignty has rock-solid historical background and has been handed over to generations. Sovereignty is freedom, he stated, and added that it is demonstrated by institutions and authorities solely vested by the people. Ethiopians all along the past have paid invaluable sacrifices to maintain its process of nation building; he pointed out, and noted that Ethiopian forefathers, through their gallant fight against colonialists, have made the Ethiopia the emblem of black people’s struggle for freedom. The Adwa Victory signified the need for emancipation of all black people, ascertaining self-determination, Taye stressed. The Foreign Minister commended that the forefathers’ heroic sacrifice has paid off and enabled us to have the prevailing sovereignty. The present generation should thrive to safeguard the national sovereignty of Ethiopia in similar patriotism to the selfless sacrifices of the forefathers’, he emphasized. Aid undermines national sovereignty, FM Taye stated, and stressed the need to intensify the efforts towards ensuring food security. Moreover, he elaborated that the emerging innovations of science and technology should be used for the purpose of national development. Ethiopia has always thwarted international pressures targeting its national sovereignty, Taye said, and urged the youth to discharge their due responsibility in this regard.
Ethiopia’s Diversity Sources of Victories Achieved on Several Eras: HoF Speaker
Sep 9, 2024 1902
Addis Ababa September 9/2024 (ENA) The diversity and solidarity of Ethiopians have been the strength of the nation demonstrated on several eras, including the victory of Adwa and the success registered in the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), House of Federation (HoF) Speaker, Agengehu Teshager remarked. Ethiopians across the nation have today marked ‘Diversity Day’ to highlight the significance of diversity to realizing inclusive nation building. Particularly, the Day colorfully commemorated at the Ethiopian National Theater in Addis Ababa today in the presence of high ranking government officials and other invited guests. On the occasion, Speaker Agegnehu described Ethiopia as a land of brave people, blessed with diversity and beauty. Although there are elements that attempt to use Ethiopia's unified identity as a source of conflict and hatred, Ethiopians have been thwarting these evil acts through their shared national values, the speaker explained. The Speaker said the age old Ethiopian unity has been one of the unique values that preserved the sovereignty of the country, stressing the need to further strength this golden value as it is crucial to ensuring inclusive prosperity and peace across the nation. He stressed that the glorious history of victories chronicled by our predecessors in the mountains of Adwa continues to remain an eternal light even for the oppressed people who fell into slavery. It is confirmed that Adwa's victory is the victory achieved through the sacrifices of Ethiopians; the Speaker noted stating that this has ignited a strong courage to realizing the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Minister of Peace Binalf Andualem for his part said the diversity of Ethiopians is a blessing which is a foundation for national peace, existence and beauty of the country.  
DPM Temesgen Stresses Need for Hard Work in Order to Ensure Ethiopia’s All-round Sovereignty 
Sep 8, 2024 1354
Addis Ababa September 8/2024 (ENA)Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh has urged all Ethiopian to work hard in unison in order to ensure the nation's sovereignty in all circumstances. Since the reforms, the thirteenth Month of Pagume, which commemorates Ethiopia's transitional period, has been observed nationally under a variety of themes. Today, Pagume 3 (September 8, 2024) is being commemorated as a “Sovereignty Day”, nationwide to highlight the importance of national sovereignty in all spheres of the country. A panel discussion and exhibition were organized at the Addis Ababa Science Museum to commemorate the day. On the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh said celebrating the sovereignty day especially for us, Ethiopians, who won’t negotiate on the sovereignty of the country, has particular significance. The Deputy PM also highlighted the importance of ensuring all round sovereignty as it is maintained by sacrifices. He stressed the importance of great strive to ensure economic, technological, knowledge and budget independence. Since independence cannot coexist with aid reliance, a proud past cannot coexist with backwardness, the Deputy PM urged all Ethiopians to unite in order to safeguard Ethiopia's whole sovereignty.   Foreign Affairs Minister Ambassador Taye Atskeselassie for his part stated that the nation-building process's foundation demonstrates the country's centuries-long freedom and national sovereignty. All Africans have been proud of this Ethiopia's historical blessing; the minister added indicating that victory of Adwa is one of the major manifestations of Ethiopia’s sovereignty. Ethiopian National Disaster Risk Management Commission Commissioner, ambassador Shiferaw Teklemariam said that ensuring food sovereignty is one of the pillars that determine the full independence of any nation. He stressed the need to intensify the efforts being underway to enhance agricultural productivity in order to realize food sovereignty of the country.   Lieutenant General Alemshet Degife, Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force, stated that Ethiopia’s sovereign map is the one marked by the blood and bones of the military. National Intelligence and Security Service Director General, Ambassador Redwan Hussein for his part stressed the need to further expedite the successful efforts being underway with the objective of ensuring the economic sovereignty of Ethiopia in order to free the nation from aid dependency.    
Ethiopian News Agency