Feature Article
Unilateral Approach in the Horn: A Dead-End In Its Entirety
Sep 17, 2024 1540
By Bereket Sisay Ethiopia has been an ardent supporter of the African cause and champion of Pan-Africanism since colonial times. That's why Ethiopia reached out to freedom fighters like the late South African President Nelson Mandela (Madiba) and the late Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in their fight against apartheid and Rhodesia respectively. Ethiopia has also been a rallying point for many African nations to gain freedom from their colonial masters and then join them under the great banner of brotherhood. Ethiopia is also a country known for contributing to the global common good, especially in the area of collective security. Ethiopia's participation in the UN authorized peace mission could also be counted as part of its unwavering stance on global common affairs and its conviction to the principle of non-indifference to the plight of its African sisters and brothers. All these are the nascent founding principle of the incumbent foreign policy and services in its entirety. In keeping with such a grand approach, Ethiopia has given prime attention to its relations with its neighbors and the region where it is located. Accordingly, Ethiopia has always been at the forefront of the regional agenda of integration and stability. It’s quite for sometimes, since Ethiopia embarked upon practicing the full-fledged integration agenda. Ethiopia has been exporting power to its neighbors, mainly Sudan, Djibouti and Kenya, to forge interconnectivity and help address critical development challenges. Ethiopia will soon begin exporting power to Tanzania, while even after the completion of the GERD, Ethiopia has sought to export large volumes of electricity to neighboring countries for mutual growth. Ethiopia has also constructed railways linking Addis Ababa to Djibouti to facilitate trade and people-to-people contacts. The road links between Ethiopia and Kenya and the recent agreement between Ethiopia and Sudan to build a highway are also a step towards regional integration. Another project that will enable the movement of people and goods and boost regional trade and economic development is the LAPSSET corridor highways linking Lamu Port to Ethiopia and South Sudan. In addition, Ethiopia was among the first countries to sign and ratify the AfCFTA and has since worked tirelessly for its full implementation. The IGAD flagship project of regional integration and peace in the region has always been Ethiopia's top agenda. In line with its zeal to prosper with its neighbors, Ethiopia has reached an agreement with Somaliland to diversify its port access, which will benefit both as a critical look at its economies of scale makes clear. Somalia’s Blunder, a messy move Ethiopia and Somalia have a glamorous, strong people-to-people bond. Looking at their political history, perhaps the saying "one people in two countries" could best characterize the historical relationship of the two countries, if not exaggerated. They share a similar culture, language and over a thousand kilometers of border that binds the two peoples together. Ethiopia has successfully defended the interests of the Somali people against terrorist insurgents , who could otherwise severely affect Somalia. That's why Ethiopia has so far made such a scarification and its tangible contribution has been bolder than the untrue accusations and defamations that dominate the air these days. It is for this serious reason that the people of Somalia have great respect for Ethiopia. The real picture of Ethiopia lies behind the question: would Somalia have such a security situation if Ethiopia had not been there during its difficult times? And the answer is simply no! It wouldn't have. To rub salt in the wounds, Somalia's decision to accept a third party that goes against the interest of Ethiopia's national interest is simply Somalia's big strategic fall that goes against the stability of the Horn as a whole. As the move has huge implications, Ethiopia has been dismayed and expressed its concern that it can't be an idle while the region is sleepwalking towards unintended security perils that endanger its or the entire region. What else for the region if not stand in unison? Ethiopia and Somalia, as good and friendly neighbors couldn't survive separately because their destinies are tied together by various factors. That is why Ethiopian soldiers have been sacrificing their lives for the preservation of Somalia. Moreover, Ethiopia has a greater stake in the region because of its huge population and economy, and because it is a pioneer in consolidating stability while trying to integrate the region through development. Therefore, any move that deprives Ethiopia of its rightful geopolitical position is normatively wrong and won't be a solution for the current Horn of Africa. Therefore, addressing its security concerns and allowing it to address its economic challenges is of great value for the prosperity of the region. Ethiopia's attempt to ride together could not be different from the European style of development after the Second World War. The regional bloc, the EU, took its first steps to promote economic cooperation and integration, and now these efforts have paid off - they have reached this level of economic prosperity. Accordingly, the approach of Ethiopia as well as any other country towards integration aspirations is no different. More importantly, Ethiopia has repeatedly expressed its readiness to resolve the current diplomatic row with Somalia through peaceful means and Somalia should salvage such dividend and find an amicable mutually beneficial solutions. On the other hand, many have been expressing concern regarding the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM), following the drawdown of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). In the recent past, Ethiopia has successfully thwarted al-Shabaab, an Islamist insurgent group with direct links to al-Qaeda, which poses a serious threat to peace in Somalia and has occasionally made incursions into the hinterland of neighboring states, including Ethiopia. However, Ethiopia has been successful in thwarting the terrorist threat from al-Shabaab and has gained international recognition for this. This force should be dismantled through concerted efforts, especially through experienced tactics. Understanding the geographical and other factors that provide fertile ground for al-Shabaab to flourish is a critical component of such a mission. In this case, Ethiopia has a huge capital and it's incumbent on Somalia and other concerned parties to use it and move in the right direction to pacify the region. Moreover, for the Horn of Africa, unity may be the only option left in the pursuit of common progress. In the age of interdependence, a unilateral approach is a more futile path and it's actually a dead end. Thus, as the saying goes, unity is strength, and empowered by such a model, the countries of the region should choose to use their abundant natural and material wealth as a catalyst for prosperity.
Ethiopia's Ultimate Sacrifice To Restore Fragile Peace and Stability in Somalia
Sep 8, 2024 3758
By A Staff Writer In the turbulent region of the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia has been a driving force for peace, stability and prosperity. Its quest for peace and stability is a strategic imperative beyond its borders as well – the very foundation underpinning its socio-economic and political aspirations. In its entire history, Ethiopia's leaders have never failed to understand with clarity the circumstances of past conflicts and their implications to the national interests of their nation as well as to the stability and development of neighboring countries. Borders that were created once are artificial and the do not hinder their interdependence with Ethiopia. It is imperative that states in the region must swim together to survive the turbulence and unlock their potentials for mutual economic development. The country has pursued for shared growth and prosperity, fostering interdependence, sustainable peace in the region to achieve their common destinies for the entire Horn of Africa. To this effect, Ethiopia's foreign policy has given the highest priority to the relations with the neighboring countries, centering on understanding the critical importance of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa, particularly in Somalia. Ethiopia's unreserved Sacrifice for Somalia Since 2005, Ethiopia has played a pivotal role in Somalia's path achieve stable statehood, peace and stability. It has also been an indispensable partner to Somalia in the fight against international terrorism, state-building efforts and fostering regional cooperation. Ethiopia's defense force has made the ultimate sacrifice in Somalia to restore its fragile peace and stability, enabling the country's leadership to establish a government structure after decades of civil war. Ethiopia's contribution to peacekeeping missions in Somalia has been essential not only for Somalia but also for regional stability in the Horn of Africa. As a founding member and key troop contributor to both the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), Ethiopia has been at the forefront of the fight against al-Shabaab and other extremist groups. For nearly two decades, Ethiopian troops have partnered with Somali forces to liberate towns and cities from the grip of terrorists, making the final sacrifices to stabilize the country. So, the sacrifice of Ethiopian soldiers to the cause of peace in Somalia has been immense. Reflecting on Ethiopia's vital role in Somalia, Ethiopia's Foreign Minister, Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, recently emphasized the depth of Ethiopia's commitment: "The people of the Horn of Africa, united by strong friendships and community ties, are no longer bound by past hostilities. Ethiopia has made significant sacrifices for the stability of Somalia, and it is inappropriate to undermine the sacrifices made by our troops." The country's contribution to Somalia's security extends beyond battlefield operations. Ethiopian intelligence, military training, and joint operations have been critical in bolstering the ability of Somalia to combat the threat of extremism. This support has helped Somalia to lay the foundation for the government. However, reports coming out suggest that Somalia is inviting outside powers that are pursuing for just solitary geopolitical interests in the Horn of Africa and potentially replace Ethiopia's peacekeeping role in Somalia. This unjustifiable move, driven by narrow geopolitical calculations, stands to jeopardize the well earned stability for which Ethiopia has sacrificed so much. For years, Ethiopia has been a steadfast ally, contributing militarily, diplomatically, and economically to Somalia's fragile stability. Ethiopian forces were critical in curbing the power of terrorist groups, and Ethiopian diplomats used their influence to garner international goodwill and aid for Somalia's reconstruction. Ethiopian expertise in counterinsurgency and capacity building helped Somali forces take over more responsibility to maintain security. Furthermore, Ethiopia's diplomatic advocacy has been instrumental in mobilizing international support for Somalia's debt relief and reconstruction efforts. Ethiopia has trained civil technocrats, engineers and civil servants for key positions in Somalia’s government structure while higher learning institutions in the country provided scholarships for Somali students to pursue their studies in Ethiopia in the spirit of pan Africansim and for mutual development cooperation. Moreover, Ethiopia's involvement in peacekeeping missions in Somalia has gone beyond just military support. The country has provided crucial capacity-building assistance, helping to train and equip Somali security forces to take the lead in maintaining stability. This transfer of knowledge and skills has been a vital component of Somalia's efforts to develop its own self-sustaining security apparatus. As Foreign Minister Taye remarked, "Ethiopia values the shared history and traditions with neighboring communities, noting that past hostilities should no longer hinder cooperation. Efforts to create divisions between communities are futile, and we must continue to build on the progress we've made together." Foreign Minister Taye Atske-Selassie has addressed these concerns directly, warning against the dangerous consequences of such rhetoric: "Collusion with forces hostile to peace in this region is short-sighted and counterproductive. Ethiopia remains vigilant in monitoring developments that could threaten our national security. The well-being and prosperity of our country are closely tied to the peace and development of our neighbors." Ethiopia's Vision for Regional Prosperity Ethiopia's role in Somalia is not limited to military and security support. As Africa's fifth-largest economy and a rising member of the BRICS alliance, Ethiopia has a bold vision for regional economic integration. Ethiopia's recent port deal with Somaliland, aimed at facilitating trade through the Red Sea, is part of a broader strategy to foster economic cooperation across the Horn of Africa. This agreement is purely economic, aimed at benefiting Ethiopia, Somalia and other states of the region by creating new trade routes, economic corridors and opportunities for growth. By enhancing regional trade and infrastructure, Ethiopia is paving the way for economic prosperity that will benefit the entire region. "We believe that the well-being and prosperity of our country are closely tied with the peace and development of our neighbors," Foreign Minister Taye remarked. 'The country's growing economic influence can be a force for good, lifting its neighbors, including Somalia, towards a brighter future. Lurking Dangers The dangers of allowing outside powers to replace Ethiopia's role in peacekeeping missions are manifold. These external actors, motivated by their own strategic interests rather than a deep understanding of the region's complex dynamics, are ill-equipped to navigate the delicate balance of power and community ties that have been painstakingly forged over the past two decades. Their involvement risks reigniting old rivalries, undermining regional cooperation, and creating new fault lines that could destabilize the Horn of Africa once more. The current trajectory of Somali leadership risks undoing the hard-won gains achieved through Ethiopian support. Turning Somalia into a battleground for anti-Ethiopian forces would only serve to destabilize the region further and lead to ultimate balkanization of the country. Ethiopia has repeatedly emphasized that peace in the Horn of Africa depends on cooperation and dialogue, not conflict and division and sabre-rattling. "Ethiopia cannot remain indifferent when the peace and harmony of our neighborhood becomes a playground for terrorists and anti-peace elements," Foreign Minister Taye underscored. The Somali leadership must recognize that Ethiopia's support is not an obstacle to Somalia's sovereignty, but a pillar of its stability. The Path Forward By working together, Ethiopia and Somalia can ensure that the region reclaims lost opportunities for shared growth and prosperity. Both countries are endowed with enough resources that can help them extricate from abject poverty for mutual growth and development. In conclusion, Ethiopia's sacrifice, support, and vision have forged Somalia's journey to restore peace. The international community and regional partners must take note of the message that it is coalition and not collusion, which is key to reinforce a stable and prosperous Horn of Africa. The Somali leadership must abandon the dangerous path of adversity but pursue collaboration and partnership that has been crucial to its own success. Ethiopia remains committed to this partnership for the sake of both nations and the entire peace and stability of the region.
Addis Ababa Taking Centre Stage for Shaping African Cities      
Sep 7, 2024 5314
By Gosaye Feyisssa (ENA) Addis Ababa, the vibrant capital of Ethiopia, is rapidly evolving into a beacon of modernity while staying deeply rooted in its rich cultural heritage. This transformation is not only a testament to its ambitious plans but also a reflection of its growing significance on the African and global stage. Addis Ababa is also rapidly changing and advancing towards global competitiveness. The city hosted the inaugural Africa Urban Forum at Adwa Victory Memorial starting from 4th to 6th September, 2024. The city’s ongoing evolution was prominently showcased at the inaugural Africa Urban Forum. The forum focused on exploring strategies for sustainable urban growth, improving infrastructure development, and enhancing the quality of life in rapidly expanding urban areas. It brought together a diverse array of stakeholders, including urban ministers, mayors and urban planners from African cities, as well as representatives from international organizations, invited guests from Africa and beyond. Addis Ababa, translated as "new flower" in Amharic, embraces all ethnic identities of the country. It is also the seat of African Union (AU) and Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and other international organizations. It is the third diplomatic city. Currently, Addis Ababa is under rapid transformation. Upgrading infrastructure development activities are being carried out in the city. In her remarks at the inaugural of Africa Urban Forum, Mayor of Addis Ababa Adanech Abiebie stated that making the city livable, green, and safe are the cornerstones of her administration. She also highlighted the significant progress which has been attained in urban development. “Our city has embarked on city development. The city administration has proven that we can transform cities and harness their potential. We are also striving to transform the city, benefit our citizens, ensuring that “no one is left behind,” the mayor emphasized. Hence, the participants of Africa Urban Forum expressed the city’s infrastructure development as a model for other rapidly growing African cities. Professor Edgar Pieterse, Director of the African Centre for Cities (ACC) at the University of Cape Town described Addis Ababa as a leading example for people-centered urban development in Africa. He lauded the program Addis Ababa is implementing placing children at the heart of the city’s future, emphasizing infrastructure, public spaces, and mobility in a way that is not just about business, but as the development of the people, and especially for the next generation. This holistic approach of development with focus on the next generation makes Addis Ababa a model for other cities. The ongoing corridor development in the city has not only beautified the city but also created over 33,000 jobs for young people, enhancing the quality of life for residents and improving access to various infrastructures. Meanwhile, the city’s skyline is increasingly defined by modern high-rise buildings and luxury hotels, underscoring its rising importance in both regional and global markets. Remy Sietchiping, Chief of the Policy, Legislation, and Governance Section at UN-Habitat, commended the city's emphasis on public entertainment facilities. He noted that Addis Ababa’s commitment to developing public spaces for families is particularly impressive. As African cities continue to expand, they should follow suit Addis Ababa’s approach as a model for creating greener and more comfortable urban environments. Addis is emerging as a prominent economic hub, playing a crucial role in Ethiopia’s Vision 2030, which aims to elevate the country to middle-income status. The city's technology sector is growing rapidly, with innovation hubs like the Science Museum and various initiatives fostering a new generation of tech entrepreneurs. This vibrant tech scene is solidifying Addis Ababa’s reputation as a leading center for technological innovation in Africa. The city's focus on nurturing startups and creating an enabling environment for technology is setting a precedent for urban centers across Africa. Sustainability is a key focus of Addis Ababa’s development strategy. The city is working to integrate green spaces into urban planning, with initiatives such as urban farming gaining traction. The expansion of parks and the promotion of renewable energy are central to the city’s approach to environmental stewardship. This was also highlighted by forum participants: Addis Ababa’s efforts to enhance green spaces and promote urban agriculture are commendable. These initiatives not only improve the quality of life for residents but also contribute to the city’s resilience in the face of climate change. Addis Ababa’s cultural richness continues to shine through festivals, art exhibitions, and cultural show. The Addis Ababa International Film Festival and the Addis Ababa Museum are just a few examples of how the city embraces its artistic heritage. The forum highlighted Addis Ababa’s role as a global connector. Participants of the forum noted that the city’s growing influence at regional level underscores its importance in shaping Africa’s future. Dickson Masemola, Deputy Minister of Local Government and Traditional Affairs in South Africa, praised the exceptional hospitality and services of the city. As the host of the African Union, Addis Ababa truly represents the heart of the continent where every AU member country is connected to this nation, he said. Addis Ababa is not just undergoing transformation but actively shaping the future of urban living in Africa. The insights shared at the Africa Urban Forum underscore the city’s role as a model of modernity, innovation, and cultural richness. The city blends its historical heritage with ambitious development plans and it is poised to become a leading example to forward-thinking, vibrant, and sustainable city in the 21st century.  
Ethiopia’s Immense Contributions to Regional Aspirations
Sep 7, 2024 1005
By A Staff Writer For many years, the Horn of Africa has been derailed from peace and prosperity, resulting in protracted political turmoil and attendant socio-economic anomalies. Many states in the region have suffered from vicious cycle of political turmoil. In addition, the region is vulnerable to harsh climatic conditions due to the degradation of its natural resources. Such challenges have taken a heavy toll on people. As such challenges call for collective efforts and collaboration, neighboring countries need to advance shared interest and mutual respect. Needless to mention, peace and development are the aspiration of the people in the region. In this regard, both allies and enemies of Ethiopia are aware of its role in the region. Ethiopia has remained firm in seeking peace and economic integration in the region based on a win-win approach and the principle of give and take. Of course, these are the underlying principles that any country pursues for its foreign relations and diplomatic engagement. Ethiopia cannot be exception! Hence, Ethiopia has given prime attention to its relations with its neighbors and the region where it is located. Accordingly, Ethiopia has always been at the forefront of advancing regional agenda of economic integration and stability. Ethiopia’s contributions to regional integration are outstanding and visible. For instance, the country has been exporting power to its neighbors, mainly to Sudan, Djibouti and Kenya, to forge interconnectivity and help address critical development challenges. It will soon begin exporting power to Tanzania, as the GERD will almost be done by December 2024. Ethiopia is desirous to export electricity to neighboring countries for mutual growth. The country has also constructed railways linking Addis Ababa to Djibouti to facilitate trade and people-to-people contacts. A road linking Ethiopia and Kenya; and the recent agreement between Ethiopia and South Sudan to build a highway are also steps taken to forge regional integration. The LAPSSET (Lamu Port South Sudan – Ethiopia Transport) corridor highway is another project that will enable the movement of people and goods and boost regional trade and economic development. In addition, Ethiopia was among the first countries to sign and ratify the AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Area) and has since worked tirelessly for its full implementation. Moreover, Ethiopia has been an ardent supporter of the African cause and champion of Pan-Africanism starting from colonial times. Ethiopia has also been known for contributing for the global peacekeeping missions. Ethiopia's participation in the UN authorized peace mission could also be counted as part of its unwavering stance on global common affairs and its conviction to the principle of promoting peace to all people regardless of borders. Somalia’s Dangerous Move Against this backdrop, the government of Somalia has been aligned with violent forces bent on destabilizing not only Ethiopia but also the entire region. Ethiopia has made clear that any difference with Somalia should be resolved through peaceful means ; for other wise, aligning with violent forces will be counterproductive. Sadly, the Somalia government blatantly denies the sacrifice Ethiopians have paid for the peace of the Somalia people and country’s statehood. To the point of blatantly denying Ethiopia's sacrifices to Somalia, some leaders of the government of Somalia are lining with destructive forces. How shortsighted they are in downplaying the strong people-to-people ties between Ethiopia and Somalia that go beyond geographical proximity and Ethiopia's commitment to the peace and stability of Somalia. This writer raises question: would Somalia have enjoyed peace and stability for a long time if Ethiopia had not paid dearly to the people of Somalia? The government of Somalia has made strategic mistakes, triggering regional tension and instability. Against such backdrops, member states of the region should demonstrate collective effort for regional peace and development. Moreover, for the Horn of Africa, unity may be the only option left in the pursuit of common progress. In the age of interdependence, a unilateral approach is a more futile path and will only lead to dead end.  
Pagumen: A Unifying Month of Ethiopia
Sep 6, 2024 932
By Mihretu Mollalign Ethiopia, steeped in millennial heritages, stands as a cultural outlier with its distinctive cylindrical system. While the Gregorian calendar, used in most parts of the world, has twelve months, Ethiopia boasts a thirteenth month, Pagumen. This month underscores the nation's deep-rooted history and traditions. Pagumen typically occurs between 6th and 11th September. It is a time of celebration, introspection, and renewal. It serves as a liminal space between the waning year and the nascent of the next, instilling euphoria, hope, blessing into citizens and prepare for the year ahead. Ethiopia's calendar is seven or eight years behind the Gregorian calendar. This discrepancy stems from divergent calculations regarding the Annunciation of Jesus Christ’s birth. The Ethiopian calendar's 13th month serves to reconcile the difference between the solar year and the lunar year, ensuring the calendar's alignment with natural cycles. Pagumen is a time marking familial gatherings, religious observances, and communal events. It is also a period for reconnecting with loved ones, sharing meals, and participating in traditional rituals. For farmers, it is a time to reap the previous year's harvest. One of the most remarkable aspects of Pagumen is the tradition of rendering voluntary services by citizens. During this month, Ethiopians from all walks of life engage in acts of kindness and community services. Ethiopians participate in various volunteer activities, such as helping the needy, cleaning public spaces, and contributing to community development projects. Nationally, Pagumen is celebrated with various themes. Each day is assigned to a specific purpose, urging the general public to forge unity and intensify development undertakings. Pagumen 1 (September 6, 2024) is designated as a “Transition Day,” followed by Pagumen 2 (September 7) as a “Reform Day.” Pagumen 3 (September 8) will be celebrated as a “Sovereignty Day,” while Pagumen 4 (September 9) will be designated as “Diversity Day.”And finally, Pagumen 5 (September 10) will be commemorated as a “Day of the Future.” Each theme has a great significance to the aspirations of the nation. Transition Day marks the official beginning of the transition period. It symbolizes the paths followed to overcome the challenges encountered in the past and reach a new height over the next years. It's a day for reflection and preparation for the bright future. Reform Day is dedicated to the implementation of reforms and advancements. It’s time to focus on the positive changes and results and replicate them to improve the lives of Ethiopians. These reforms could be in areas such as agriculture, tourism development, energy, ICT and others. Sovereignty Day celebrates Ethiopia's independence and sovereignty. It's a day of honor to those who have paid priceless sacrifices to the integrity of the country. It's a day of patriotism and unity that citizens demonstrated in all spheres of development endeavours. Diversity Day recognizes and celebrates Ethiopia's diverse culture, ethnicity, languages and religions. It's a time to appreciate the richness that comes from the multitude of perspectives and traditions. It's a day to promote tolerance, understanding, and inclusivity, and above all beauty! Day of the Future looks towards the future of Ethiopia. It's a time to envision the country's aspirations and goals. It's a day to inspire hope, optimism, and a commitment to building a better Ethiopia and write new history for the coming generations. The days with such inspiring themes will be celebrated nationally. This widespread celebration underscores the importance of Pagumen as a national tradition and a unifying force for Ethiopians everywhere. Pagumen is a significant month for Ethiopians to come together, strengthen their bonds, and celebrate their rich cultural heritage and also look towards the future with hope and renewal. Voluntary services are common during Pagumen and it is a testament to the Ethiopian people's strong sense of commitment to helping others. It is a time when individuals come together to make a positive impact on their society and strengthen the bonds that unite them. The combination of pledges to serve the country, celebrations, community services, and spiritual reflection make Pagumen a driving force for unity, understanding and hope. It is a time for Ethiopians to come together, strengthen their shared values, and celebrate the successes made in the bygone year.
Transforming Addis Ababa
Aug 30, 2024 4251
By Staff Writer Addis Ababa lacked modern facilities for its growing population. The city’s roads were narrow, almost there were no sidewalks for the residents and open spaces were also critical for pedestrians. Moreover, there were lots of slum areas. The city has also lacked greenery. The 130 years old Addis Ababa has also been without essential amenities vital to the unprivileged segments of the residents and for amusement such as parks, libraries among other things. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made observations that Addis Ababa should carry out infrastructure development projects as soon as he took office. As a result, various projects were implemented. Truly, the historical capital of Ethiopia is witnessing a facelift. Modern parks, a giant library, and establishing skill development centers for the impoverished segments of the society, renovation houses for the poor are a case in point. Through the sound corridor development initiative, Addis Ababa is experiencing phenomenal transformation. Thus, the massive projects are making the capital city a standout dwelling for both locals and tourists. With a visionary zeal, Addis Ababa city introduced the corridor development project just few months ago to revitalize key routes and enhance connectivity across the designated corridors. Spearheaded by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed the project aims to transform the face of the capital for the benefit of its citizens and visitors. The primary goal is to raise this Africa’s vibrant city to the caliber of modern cities worldwide by implementing various initiatives based on priorities. Encompassing over an estimated 240 kilometers of road and related infrastructure facilities, the corridor development project boast a wide range of features. Some of these include more than 48 kilometers of newly asphalted roads, four modern underground walkways, and extensive network of 96 kilometers of pedestrian walkways, 100 kilometers of designated bicycle lanes, five kilometers of dedicated running tracks and 48 new bus and taxi terminals to streamline the city's transportation system. It also incorporates recreational centers, children's playground, public plazas to promote community, greenery spaces, and parks for leisure and relaxation, fountains and a state-of-the-art drainage system for improved flood control. This innovative project has only been going on for a few months, but the changes along Addis Ababa's main corridors are already very noticeable. The trees that were planted as part of the project give fresh air for pedestrians or visitors to enjoy when they want to unwind at the charming pedestrian benches dotted around the area. With the roadways illuminated by gorgeous electric light decorations and electric poles, the night also appears to be a brilliant day. The ongoing corridor development project has also been accompanied by other essential social facilities to improve the lives of city dwellers. One of these is the ‘Clean Ethiopia’ initiative spearheaded by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The initiative seeks to foster cities with pristine and comfortable living environments for its residents and visitors. The initiative has now been under implementation in Addis Ababa by building modern toilets and sanitation facilities across the main corridors of the city through the active involvement the general public. The development projects underway in the capital are destined for all. Supporting vulnerable groups of citizens in Addis Ababa is the other vital project being underway with the objective of empowering them to lead a normal life. The project focuses on the unprivileged segments of the society. In this regard, 'Lenegewa' Women's Rehabilitation and Skill Development Center is very critical as it eases the burden of women in the capital who were compelled to lead their daily lives as sex workers. The project aspires to empower vulnerable women through education and skill development lasting from 3 to 6 months, equipping them with the necessary expertise for future employment to earn their living. With 13 impressive buildings contain classrooms, dorms, workshops, vocational training centers, psychological support centers, and medical services, the center strives to empower women holistically. Another endeavor worth mentioning is renovating the houses of impoverished residents of Addis Ababa. This initiative is carried out annually focusing on renovation and construction of homes for the elderly and economically vulnerable segments of the city. The program has provided impoverished people with affordable housing units, enabling them to lead a dignified life. The initiative has been transforming lifestyles and the living standards of many in people Addis and beyond. ‘Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubark’ boarding high school built in Addis Ababa by the Office of the First Lady for visually impaired persons is also another facility added to Addis Ababa. This extra ordinary boarding school, which encompasses several services convenient for visually impaired students include classrooms, cafeteria, library and other state of the art facilities, will receive more than 300 visually impaired students from across the country. The corridor development project tackles neglected areas, breathing new life into them. This project is not just about aesthetics; it's about building a resilient and thriving capital for generations to come. A modern infrastructure is the lifeblood of commerce with efficient traffic flow and improved public transport. This not only benefits businesses but creates a more attractive environment for investment, fostering economic growth, tourism and jobs. This multi-pronged approach paints a picture of a modern, sustainable, and prosperous capital city. Today, Addis Ababa stands tall as a diplomatic hub and the headquarters of the African Union, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), other international organizations and embassies of several countries. Its story is one of constant transformation, a testament to a nation's unwavering spirit and its enduring desire to bloom anew. Indeed, Addis Ababa is under phenomenal transformation.  
Ethiopia Poised Another Record Breaking Of Planting 600 Million Seedlings Per Day
Aug 22, 2024 3552
Once adorned with expansive forests, Ethiopia suffered a devastating loss of its green cover due to unchecked deforestation. The country's forest dwindled to 3 % from its historic dense forest cover of 60%, resulting loss in biodiversity. Recognizant of the deterioration of the country’s forest, a remarkable transformation has been taking place in recent times due to the visionary leadership of Prime Abiy Ahmed who has spearheaded a national movement to restore the country's ecological balance through the Green Legacy Initiative. The initiative has brought about millions of Ethiopians together with consolidated efforts to reforest the nation and build a sustainable future. Accordingly, the nationwide Green Legacy Initiative has made a promising turnaround of afforestation, with a forest cover rebounding to 23.6 per cent in 2023. Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative has made significant momentum as the number of seedlings planted annually has steadily increased, demonstrating growing public awareness and participation since it was launched in 2019. In the first three years, a total of 16.3 billion seedlings were planted: 4.7 billion in 2019/2020, 5.9 billion in 2020/2021, and 6.7 billion in 2021/2022. This upward trend continued with over 7.2 billion seedlings planted in 2022/2023, setting a target of planting 7.5 billion samplings through the 2024 Green Legacy Initiative. In the first phase of the initiative, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed set an ambitious goal of planting 20 billion trees within four years. However, exceeding the expectations, Ethiopians were able to plant over 25 billion saplings. The first phase has yielded a significant increase in afforestation, job creations, improving the livelihoods for communities. Concluding the first phase, Ethiopia has embarked on the second phase of the Green Legacy Initiative with an even more ambitious goal of planting 50 billion saplings over the next four years, giving emphasis on planting indigenous and fruit saplings, with a vision of transforming the country into Africa's leading avocado producer. The country’s journey from deforestation to reforestation is a testament to the power of collective effort and visionary leadership. The initiative stands as a global model for overcoming environmental challenges and building resilience to green economy. “Protecting and caring for biodiversity is not a luxury but a survival.” Like many nations, Ethiopia faces the challenges of climate change, including floods, soil erosion, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. The country’s commitment to this initiative has garnered international acclaim, positioning the country as one of environmental stewardships both in Africa and globally,” Prime Minister Abiy emphasized. The country has continued planting millions of sapling this rainy season too. The prime minister has called on Ethiopians to write history by planting 600 million tree seedlings in a single day by tomorrow, August 23, 2024. "Let us leave a lasting legacy across Ethiopia," he said, adding, "Together, we can achieve extraordinary outcomes." He emphasized the importance of this tree-planting campaign as a tangible expression of patriotism and a gift for the future generations. Building on the success of last year's initiative, where Ethiopia planted over 566 million seedlings in a single day, surpassing the 500 million target, and this year's campaign aims to plant 600 million saplings. Ethiopians are rallying behind the "A Nation that Plants; A Generation that Sustains" motto as they have embraced it. "Forests provide oxygen, store carbon, regulate climate, and harbor immense biodiversity. Let's safeguard our existing forests and expand our forest cover through planting”, the prime minister reiterated. Through unwavering commitment and the participation of millions of Ethiopians, the nation has achieved remarkable progress in a short span. The ambitious tree-planting campaigns, including the record-breaking single-day planting, have significantly increased forest cover and improved the overall ecological health of the country. Ethiopia's success story serves as an inspiration to the world, demonstrating that it is possible to reverse environmental degradation and build a sustainable future. By prioritizing reforestation, biodiversity conservation, and community involvement, Ethiopia is not only protecting its own environment but also contributing to global efforts to combat climate change. As the nation continues to advance its green agenda, it is poised to become a global leader in environmental stewardship and a model for other countries seeking to restore their natural heritage. By tomorrow, Ethiopians will go out in millions to achieve the target of planting 600 million seedlings in a day.
Peace Building: Bedrock for Ethiopia’s Bright Future 
Aug 8, 2024 4947
Getnet Shenkute Peaceful resolution of the conflict that flared up in the northern part of the country is one of the unique features of the body politics in Ethiopia. Evidently, Ethiopian history is a history of war. Even though this ancient African country has a renowned history in repulsing back the aggression from foreign powers, in the course of her history, Ethiopia has rarely succeeded in ending internal conflicts through negotiations. That is the reason why the AU brokered Pretoria peace deal would be considered as successful breakthrough. Need for Concrete Moves From the outset, the government of Ethiopia under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) utterly opposed any attempts to plunge the country into undesirable and unfortunate conflict. The federal government had even pleaded for peace by sending a group of elders to Tigray region in its effort to prevent the conflict. However, the conflict erupted following the attack against the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) based in Tigray at midnight of 4th November 2020. Beyond the internal conflict, the East African nation became under immense unjustified pressure from some corners of the world. The pressures attempted to infringe on Ethiopia’s sovereignty by imposing draconian sanctions. However, the government and people of Ethiopia fended off the unwarranted foreign pressure through various means. They were even able to end the conflict peacefully through their own means with the support from the African Union. This is a manifestation of Ethiopia`s firm belief in “African solutions to Africa`s problems.” On the 2nd of November 2022, the Federal Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF signed a Cessation of Hostilities Agreement in South Africa also known as the Pretoria Agreement. The announcement of this peace deal was certainly a surprise to the global community. The international community hailed it as a chance to secure peace after a devastating war of two years. Most notably, the deal has reaffirmed Ethiopia’s shift in its contemporary history to end such internal conflicts through dialogue. Many described the Pretoria Peace Agreement as a monumental step in moving Ethiopia forward on the path to a far-reaching reform initiated six years ago. The federal government has been reiterating its determination not to waste a single day for ensuring a sustainable peace for the people of Tigray and Ethiopia in general. The government is pragmatic and firmly believes that full implementation of the Pretoria Agreement is the foundation to lasting solutions to sustainably resolving the problem in northern Ethiopia. This is why the federal government commenced implementing the deal almost right the next day following the signing of the agreement. There are numerous instances in which the Government of Ethiopia has shown its unwavering commitment to the implementation of the agreement through bold and decisive measures it took to build trust in the negotiation process. The government has taken several constructive measures in this regard including toning down hostile political rhetoric during the execution of the peace deal process. After the immediate silencing of guns in the region, the federal government has halted any military operation, rehabilitated all essential public infrastructures and social services, and ensured unfettered humanitarian supplies by facilitating ways to open all humanitarian corridors. The government has been the major actor in supplying the necessary humanitarian aid to its people in Tigray. The humanitarian access has continued unabated along with the rehabilitation programs on social and infrastructural facilities heavily damaged and destroyed in the advent of the war. The government is also delivering on its commitment by restoring services, repairing damages made on major electricity substations connecting the Tigray region with the national grid. In fact, the swift measures taken by the federal government has tendentiously helped the people of Tigray getting out of a looming crisis as a result of war. Right after the signing of the agreement, the Federal government dispatched a high-level delegation to Tigray region that included leadership of various institutions led by the Speaker of the House of People's Representatives, Tagesse Chafo. On the occasion, federal institutions and all regions of the country immediately showed their unreserved and practical support for the people of Tigray. Moreover, regional chief administrators were present in the regional capital Mekele to demonstrate their solidarity with the people of Tigray and provided their support in kind and financial donations. To provide basic services to the people of Tigray, officials in charge of banking, telecom, road, health, education and aid were present in Tigray and discussed with the officials of the region. The federal government expended more than 37 billion Birr towards the rehabilitation and restoration of social and infrastructural facilities until the end of March 2024. Based on the Pretoria Agreement, the House of Peoples’ Representatives has delisted TPLF from the list of terrorist organizations. The federal government also gave more opportunities that allowed the TPLF and armed leaders to establish the interim administration. In this way, the government has gone an extra mile to deliver on its responsibility to end the suffering of the people of Tigray and to ensure a durable peace in the region. The other unparalleled response from the federal government is the endeavors to relocate the displaced and reinstate their normal lives in partnership with pertinent local and international actors. In some areas displaced persons have already returned to their homes. Furthermore, a consensus was reached among the federal government, the Amhara and Tigray regional states in order to sustainably resolve the issues related to disputed administrative borders through a referendum in accordance with the constitution. Over the past two years the federal government has gone above and beyond what is required of it in the process of the implementation of the Pretoria Agreement for the sake of peace, development and security that eventually the people in Tigray region and Ethiopians in general would enjoy. As a result of the peace deal and the unwavering commitment of the federal government, the people of the region have been witnessing concrete changes and enjoying peace. The people of Tigray now live in peace and lead regular lives thanks to the federal government's various initiatives carried out in accordance with the Pretoria peace deal. Everything in Tigray is back to normal because of the peace agreement. For the benefit of the local population, a number of development initiatives are now in progress. The federal government still believes that there is no other alternative than focusing on actionable measures that could help the Pretoria agreement fully implemented so as to ensure sustainable peace and development in the region and beyond. Persistent Challenges Despite all these constructive moves by the federal government, the writer believes that the TPLF has not been fully delivering on its responsibility and taking decisive actions on the major binding provisions of the peace deal. In fact, it seems, there are elements within the TPLF that are not remorseful about their misadventure but who rather enjoy cascading misery to the people of Tigray. With all honesty, the agreement should be taken as an important step in efforts to silence the guns and provide a solid foundation for the preservation of Ethiopia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. This was duly provided in the articles of the Agreement in terms of the immediate cessation of hostilities, the resumption of unhindered humanitarian access, the restoration of services as well as healing wounds from the war and prevalence of reconciliation. However, the other side of the signing party has to meet its obligations including full disarmament. It is to be noted that disarming ex-combatants is a key part of the agreement signed two years ago. For instance, the deal underlined that the disarmament of heavy weapons of the TPLF forces would take place immediately and should be completed within 30 days of the signing of the deal. Yet, TPLF has remained reluctance to uphold its commitments. Even though TPLF handed over some light weapons initially, the group has stalled on the withdrawal of its heavy artillery and armored vehicles as required by the peace deal. This undermines the spirit and letter of the Pretoria Agreement and clearly contradicts the constitution of Ethiopia. The Pretoria peace accord further provide that the signing parties have agreed and recognize that the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has only one defense force. Thus, the successful undertaking of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration is a key element of the Pretoria Peace Agreement that should be fully and urgently implemented in order to sustain the peace which is seriously needed by the people of Tigray. The people in Tigray are very much fade-up of sacrificing their children for no reason and engulfed by an unimaginable suffering. The people of Tigray have been demonstrating its detest in various ways. The peace agreement strongly demands constructive engagement among the signing parties through dialogue and reconciliation which is instrumental for addressing the political differences. This is a pivotal approach to Ethiopia to heal the country's deep political divisions and a move towards lasting peace. However, there are some elements that are engaged in obstructing the above mentioned central guiding principle of the peace agreement. These elements have still been pursuing antagonized rhetoric against the government in particular that would obstruct the endeavors for lasting peace. Despite this, the government has been trying to tame such ill attempts through peaceful mechanisms. Thus, Ethiopia’s partners and international actors should encourage the efforts of the government to realize sustainable peace and stability in Ethiopia while trying to pressure the other side to abide by the principles of the agreement and discharge its responsibilities. Bold Actions to Tackle Centuries Old Predicaments Due to the country’s political culture, which is shaped by the barrel of the gun not the ballot box, Ethiopia experienced deep seated resentments and distrust perpetuated over the past several decades. One of the major problems in the contemporary political history of Ethiopia is the country has repeatedly missed golden opportunities for democratic transition. Historically, the country witnessed various political revolutions and struggles since the early 19th. Unfortunately, almost all attempts have not yet borne fruit to bring about democratic political orders. Now Ethiopia has embarked on another golden opportunity with a far-reaching political reform. Since it has come to power in 2018, the new government is trying to defuse a winner-takes-all-approach of political practice by the Ethiopian elites rather than a negotiated transition based on elite bargains and win-win principled approaches. Regrettably, we have not yet learnt from the ordeals of our history. Even the ongoing political reform is facing the same challenges as an extension of authoritarian political elites who have continued to impose their will by having complete control over everything available to them. The other challenge in recent times is ethnic polarization in Ethiopian body politic. I believe the ethnic based and divisive political discourse has to end somewhere to resolve the inherent problem in Ethiopian politics. The extreme focus on ethnic cleavages and ethnicized politics is yielding us nothing but ethnic-out bidders and their self-servicing approaches. In the case of our country we are all citizens of the state of Ethiopia. We have to discuss and debate the best policy for future generations of our great nation rather than keeping the ongoing contradictions based on ethnic bloodlines. This does not mean to say that we shall undermine the cultures, languages and values of our ethnic groups across the country. We shall cherish our diversity and utilize it to cement our bond and unity. We shall believe that we are many in languages and one as a nation. Amidst of all the challenges, the current government has decided to take bold actions to amend centuries old predicaments Ethiopians are facing. The House of Peoples Representative had approved a proclamation to establish a National Dialogue Commission to rectify age old problems, misgivings, mistrusts and grievances, unhealed wounds injustices through a nationwide inclusive, participatory, free and democratic dialogue. This has been hailed by all Ethiopians and international partners. Dialogue in Action Ethiopia has now embarked on the actual task of the long awaited national dialogue and reconciliation as the nation seeks to put an end to historical and contemporary contradictions in this ancient African country. At the end of last month, Ethiopia officially started the first-ever phase of national dialogue by conducting consultations in the capital Addis Ababa to set critical national agenda that would be discussed at the grand dialogue to be held at national level. The Addis Ababa chapter of the dialogue has been concluded successfully. Similar consultations are expected to be carried out in all regional states in the coming months. In response to the challenging political situation of Ethiopia, this first-ever inclusive national dialogue involves all segments of the society with a view to resolving centuries old predicaments that the country has been facing to date. The National Dialogue is expected to heal resentments and wounds caused during the heinous acts of former political systems. The government has been intensifying its full support and commitment to the successful conduct of the inclusive dialogue that aims at correcting major fault lines paving the way for creating consensus on basic national issues through the representatives of the participants of the national dialogue who are expected to voice the concerns and hopes of the people of Ethiopia. The government has demonstrated the emergence of a new political culture through a national election that showed the desires of the people and formed a government that is based on the will of the people. Moreover, the government has demonstrated that this nation is a common home for the citizenry. To this effect, the government engaged leaders and members of other political parties into the state nomenclature, which is a new political venture in the history of Ethiopia. Towards rectifying rampant mistakes inherited from the past, the government initiated the establishment of an independent National Dialogue Commission with 11 commissioners who have proven to be scholarly, independent, impartial and enthusiastic to see a peaceful, democratic and prosperous Ethiopia. The commissioners of the National Dialogue, who are appointed to serve their country, are of high caliber and rich experience. The law has empowered them with extensive power to conduct their duties of coordinating and conducting an inclusive national dialogue. They have now charted out extensive outlines on how the inclusive dialogue should be conducted by consulting with pertinent stakeholders. Transitional Justice: Viable Solution for Ethiopia’s Unsettled Past The transitional justice mechanism has become another integral part of Ethiopia’s efforts to address historical human rights violations, ensure accountability, and reform and strengthen democratic institutions in order to lay the groundwork to sustain political stability and consolidate democracy. As many previous practices show, transitional justice is imperative as a tool for conflict resolution in the political landscape of severely divided post-conflict societies like Ethiopia. As numerous political backlogs of Ethiopia have caused protracted disputes, misunderstandings, and instability, the country should come up with a viable mechanism which could change the nation’s modus operandi on the affairs of democratic system and human rights. Therefore, transitional justice is the only option for Ethiopia at this moment in time to properly confront unaddressed miscarriage of justice in the country over the past decades. . To this effect, the reformist government of Ethiopia has adopted a Transitional Justice Policy as a viable mechanism to heal the wounds of the victims and avoid resentment which has been the main causes to the instability and underdevelopment of the country. This mechanism has been seen as the best way for Ethiopia to confront its unsettled past and break the cycle of violence through healing past wrongs and overcoming inherited challenges. In conclusion, one can predict that a bright future is on the horizon for Ethiopia. As long as, these mechanisms and reconciliation platforms availed by the government, it can be used to effectively address age old challenges the country had to grapple with. The East African nation will hopefully lay the foundation for stronger nation-state building process and realize a shared narrative over division and hatred. The federal government's decision to support the creation of the aforementioned frameworks is a clear indication of its strong commitment to end the legacy of winners and losers, marred by resentment and hatreds, from passing down to future generations. Ethiopia will certainly proceed to the national reconstruction process. The whole country is going to embark on accelerated economic growth to become an African economic giant. However, it needs to be stressed that all Ethiopians regardless of their ethnic groups should be part of the national consultation project.
Ethiopia’s Transition to A Market-led Economy
Jul 31, 2024 5182
Prior to 2019, Ethiopia's economy exhibited sustained growth, despite underlying macroeconomic imbalances. While the government's substantial investment in infrastructure fueled expansion, it also contributed to high inflation, inadequate job creation, and mounting credit pressures. To address these structural challenges and foster sustainable, inclusive economic growth, Ethiopia initiated an Indigenous Economic Reform Agenda in the first quarter of the 2019 fiscal year. A cornerstone of this reform was the implementation of stringent fiscal policies aimed at stabilizing the macroeconomic environment. Debt Reduction To alleviate the country's debt burden, the government has shifted its borrowing strategy away from high-interest commercial loans towards concessional loans with lower interest rates and longer repayment terms. Furthermore, efforts have been made to reduce borrowing by public enterprises and improve project planning and execution through rigorous research and capacity building. Debt restructuring and negotiation with creditors have also contributed to lowering the overall debt burden. Balance of Trade To improve the trade balance and increase national income, tremendous activities have been carried out on boosting production, productivity, and the capacity of sector institutions. By expanding economic growth drivers, particularly in agriculture, industry, tourism, mining, and ICT, tangible results have been achieved. These reforms have led to increased production, productivity, and foreign trade performance, thereby improving the trade balance and generating sufficient revenue for debt servicing. In the previous fiscal year alone, earnings from goods and services surpassed 10 billion USD, while remittances exceeded 6.5 billion USD. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) reached 3.8 billion USD in the 2023/2024 fiscal year alone. Significant strides have been made in import substitution, including wheat. Over the past ten months, the country replaced imports worth 2 billion USD. From 2018/2019 to 2022/2023, average GDP growth stood at 7.1 percent. Filling Budget Deficit To address the budget deficit, the government has prioritized increasing revenue as a percentage of Gross National Product (GNP). Recent years have witnessed significant progress in tax administration through the expansion of the tax base and the implementation of a modernized tax collection system. As a result, tax revenue surpassed 529 billion Birr in the previous fiscal year. Reducing Inflation Efforts to stabilize prices have centered on increasing product supply, particularly through the “Bounty of the Basket” development initiative, and enhancing productivity. Agricultural output has surged, with harvests exceeding 100 million quintals this year compared to the previous year. Additionally, the government injected 10 billion Birr into the economy and lifted import duties on essential goods. To control monetary expansion and reduce government borrowing from the National Bank, measures have been implemented to regulate cash flow and restrict credit lending by commercial banks. As a result of these and other adjustments, inflation has declined from over 30 percent to 19.9 percent. Job Creation The economic reforms implemented in recent years have yielded significant job creation. Over 3.8 million jobs were generated in the past fiscal year alone, primarily within the industrial, agricultural, urban development, and infrastructure sectors. Concurrently, the government has facilitated legal employment opportunities for over 300,000 Ethiopians abroad. Comprehensive Macroeconomic Reform Policy Implementation Building upon the successes of the initial economic reform program while acknowledging the remaining challenges, Ethiopia has launched a comprehensive macroeconomic reform policy. This initiative is centered on four key pillars including establishing a modern, stable, and sustainable macroeconomic policy environment, fostering innovation, competitiveness, and investment, strengthening domestic production and productivity across sectors and increasing the government's capacity to provide quality services. This reform agenda aims to stimulate robust, private sector-led, inclusive growth and job creation. The overarching goals include sustained high economic growth and single-digit inflation. By addressing foreign exchange imbalances, strengthening the financial sector, controlling inflation, increasing tax revenue, optimizing government investment, enhancing banking sector competitiveness, and improving the business environment, the government seeks to build a modern as well as globally competitive economy. Key components of the reform include transitioning to a market-based exchange rate system, implementing a modern interest rate-based monetary policy, reforming fiscal policy to reduce public finance pressures, and optimizing development finance and public debt management. These measures are aligned with Ethiopia's long-term and medium-term development plans. The anticipated outcomes of these reforms are impressive. Accordingly, the nation is highly expected to register an average annual GDP growth of 8 percent over the next four years and its inflation to reduce to 10 percent. Moreover, the tax revenue as a percentage of GDP is also anticipated to reach 11 percent, government debt-to-GDP ratio decline to 35 percent, export and import trade valued at 20 billion USD, foreign direct investment reaching 8 billion USD, and foreign exchange reserves exceeding 10 billion USD. These projections underscore the potential for significant economic transformation. Successful implementation of this comprehensive reform agenda is crucial for safeguarding Ethiopia's national interests and improving the lives of its citizens.        
National Humanitarian Assistance to Gofa Zone Landslide Victims Consolidated
Jul 26, 2024 3924
The Ethiopian government is delivering humanitarian assistance to victims of devastating landslide that hit Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele of Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia Region. The landslide was caused by heavy rains in Gofa Zone on Sunday night, burying some residents. Sadly, another landslide hit the area on Monday morning, engulfing those people who gathered for search-and-rescue operations. The incident has claimed 226 lives, according to Disaster Risk Management Commission. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced the deployment of a federal disaster prevention task force to Gozdi Kebele on July 23 to facilitate rescue operation and emergency assistance provisions to the affected community. Following the premier's announcement, various government bodies have mobilized resources to provide immediate relief and support to the affected communities. Disaster Risk Management Commission (DRMC) in a statement sent to ENA said that the humanitarian and rehabilitation activities are well underway, delivering assistance to the victims of landslide in Gozdi Kebele of Southern Ethiopia region as per the direction given by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Ambassador Shiferaw Teklemariam Disaster Risk Management Commissioner recalled that the landslide disaster caused loss of lives and destruction of properties in Gozdi Kebele of Gofa Zone. The federal taskforce, comprising high ranking government officials from various ministries and institutions, has been deployed to the Gozdi Kebele to identify critical issues and the necessary humanitarian assistance in the area, the commissioner said. While the lifesaving operations still continue, the number of persons who died as a result of the landslide has so far reached 226, he revealed. He added that in parallel to the provision of humanitarian support, efforts are in place to rehabilitate the victims in an orderly manner based on study, he indicated. Accordingly, 600 people have been relocated from the area hit by the landslide, where altogether 6,000 vulnerable people have been identified for relocation, he pointed out. The humanitarian support has been intensified by federal and regional states as well as various institutions, and the citizens at large. The commissioner further said other humanitarian partners have also been extending food and non-food assistance through the UNOCHA. Earlier today, the Addis Ababa City Administration also provided relief assistance to the victims of Geze-Gofa district. Mayor of Addis Ababa city Adanech Abiebie announced yesterday, "We have dispatched over 45 million Birr in cash and humanitarian emergency items to assist the landslide victims in the Geze Gofa woreda." Meanwhile, Kasech Elias, Head of the Southern Ethiopia Region’s Women and Children's Bureau, reported that the bureau has delivered essential supplies to the site. "We have provided 750 liters of cooking oil, powdered milk, and clothing for 100 infants, sanitary pads for women, and other forms of support. The Southern Command of the National Defense Force has also made a contribution to the relief efforts. Major General Admasu Alemu, Deputy Commander for Operations, visited the affected area and oversaw the delivery of 40 quintals of biscuits and 5 quintals of sugar. Additionally, the Command has dispatched an ambulance and a team of medical professionals to provide emergency support. Ethio Telecom, in collaboration with the disaster prevention of Southern Ethiopia Region, has launched fundraising SMS 8091 to support the affected community. Deputy Chief Administrator of the Southern Ethiopia Region, Gebremeskel Chala, emphasized the government's commitment for sustainable recovery of affected community. "Beyond providing temporary humanitarian aid, the regional government has established a task force to assist the victims in rebuilding their life sustainably," he stated. Overall, the national emergency assistance provided to victims of landslide in Kencho Sacha kebele, of Gofa Zone showcases the concerted efforts of the federal, regional, and local authorities, as well as public enterprises and the general public. The incident underscored that local capacity should be enhanced for disaster response and recovery. As the rescue and relief operations persist, authorities are urging ongoing support and solidarity from all sectors of society to support the affected communities in Gofa Zone. Commissioner Shiferaw Teklemariam has extended appreciation for Ethiopians which have demonstrated solidarity in providing humanitarian assistance to the victims of the landslide. Towards addressing the problem sustainably, he urged fellow Ethiopians to continue their support.
A Walk Through the New Addis Ababa
Jul 9, 2024 8012
A Walk Through the New Addis Ababa By Mihretu Mollalign Addis Ababa stands at a precipice. The city vibrates with potential, yet traffic gridlock, limited green spaces, and underdeveloped areas stifle its progress. The corridor development project emerges as a bold vision for transformation, an opportunity to unleash the city's true potential. The government has set its sights on revitalizing Ethiopia's bustling capital city. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s signature project, the Addis Ababa Corridor Development, is a multi-faceted initiative aimed at transforming the city's landscape and resident conformity. It is crystal clear that Addis Ababa boasts a rich history that began as a humble mineral spring resort in 1886. Transformed into "New Flower" just a few years later, it quickly blossomed into the bustling heart of the nation. This historical sketch traces its fascinating journey, from its early days as a political center to its current role as a diplomatic hub and headquarters of the African Union. The once-sparse settlement bloomed into a bustling center. Drawn by the promise of opportunity, nobles built grand residences, artisans established workshops, and foreign visitors flocked to its doors. The city's architecture mirrored this growth, transitioning from traditional huts to European-influenced stone houses commissioned by a mushrooming middle class. The early 20th century witnessed an economic boom fueled by Ethiopia's flourishing coffee trade. This newfound wealth fueled a wave of modernization. Paved roads snaked through the city, automobiles replaced horse-drawn carriages, and banks emerged to handle the growing financial activity. Addis Ababa was no longer just a political center; it was becoming a commercial and cultural powerhouse as well. Today, Addis Ababa stands tall as a diplomatic hub and the headquarters of the African Union. Skyscrapers pierce the sky, a testament to its economic might. Its story is one of constant transformation, a testament to a nation's unwavering spirit and its enduring desire to bloom anew. It is undergoing a significant transformation. While few politicians may have their own agendas, many residents are embracing the city administration's "corridor development" project, which focuses on improving aesthetics and implementing highway standards. This change is evident throughout the city. While I was walking from Addis Ababa Technical College to the National Theater, I met Belayneh Desta, 73, enjoying a rest on a newly built pedestrian bench. He expressed his delight at the changes. "Just a few years ago, walking through these roads was unthinkable," he said, his face beaming. "Now, I can comfortably walk all the way from the Mekanissa to Mexico." Belayneh, who has lived in Addis Ababa since his childhood, spoke of the past challenges. "The old roads were not only narrow but had no enough lights and unsafe for pedestrians, even though most people in Addis rely on walking," he explained. "The new design promotes equality. Cars have their highways, and pedestrians have designated walkways with benches to take rest in the meantime." The project extends beyond functionality. "It's making Addis Ababa beautiful and a city that meets international standards," Belayneh continued, "The narrow roads are gone, replaced with wider spaces and greenery." While there may be some temporary inconveniences during construction, most residents recognize the long-term value of the corridor project. The rapid dismantling and rebuilding process further underscores its efficiency. In fact, the premier announced the successful completion of some of the corridors including Piassa and Arat Kilo routes hitting the ambitious three-month deadline. As promised, this achievement reflects the government's commitment to on-site progress updates. "Efficiency remains paramount," the premier emphasized. "We must be swift and innovative to maintain momentum in the remaining corridors". According to the PM, the top priorities remain ensuring quality and fostering a positive environment for all citizens. This project thrives on collaboration.” I am grateful for the public's goodwill, which reflects the dedication we've invested in planning and execution. We acknowledge any inconveniences this grand initiative may have caused’. Encompassing over an estimated 240 kilometers of road and related infrastructure development, the project boasts a wide range of features, according to available sources and some of these include over 48 kilometers of newly asphalted roads, four modern underground walkways, an extensive network of 96 kilometers of pedestrian walkways, 100 kilometers of designated bicycle routes, five kilometers of dedicated running tracks and 48 new bus and taxi terminals to streamline the city's transportation system. The project goes beyond just roads, incorporating elements to enhance residents' quality of life and some of these including 70 green centers and parks for recreation and relaxation, fountains and additional green spaces throughout the city, recreational centers, children's centers, and public plazas to foster community, 120 modern restrooms for improved sanitation, and a modern drainage system for better flood control. In other words, this initiative promises to significantly enhance the lives of residents, empower businesses, revolutionize city planning, cultivate a healthier environment, engine for economic progress and lay the foundation for future prosperity. Imagine stepping out your door to wider, cleaner streets traffic crawls no more, replaced by the smooth flow of buses and the gentle whir of bicycles. Parks and walkways beckon, inviting you to stroll or cycle through a revitalized Addis Ababa. This is the promise of the corridor development project, a transformative initiative shaping the future of the city. A modern infrastructure is the lifeblood of commerce with efficient traffic flow and improved public transport. This not only benefits businesses but creates a more attractive environment for investment, fostering economic growth and job creation. Addis Ababa is on the move. The corridor development project tackles neglected areas, breathing new life into them. Upgraded drainage systems, restored historical sites, and modern utilities paint a picture of a sustainable and vibrant city. This project is not just about aesthetics; it's about building a resilient and thriving capital for generations to come. Environmentalists are celebrating the project's focus on a healthier Addis Ababa. By prioritizing walking, cycling, and public transport, the initiative reduces reliance on cars, leading to a significant decrease in air pollution. Besides, modern drainage systems ensure responsible water management, protecting the city from flooding. Therefore, the project isn't just about a facelift; it's about building a resilient city for the future. Neglected areas are being revitalized with upgraded drainage systems, restored historical sites, and modern utilities. This promotes sustainability and creates a vibrant city center. Cleaner air, less congestion, the corridor development project promotes a healthier Addis Ababa. By prioritizing walking, cycling, and public transport, the initiative reduces reliance on cars, leading to a significant decrease in emissions. Modern drainage systems ensure responsible water management, protecting our city from flooding. Beyond aesthetics, the project recognizes the importance of a modern infrastructure for businesses. Improved traffic flow and public transport not only shorten commutes but also create a more efficient delivery network. This fosters economic growth by attracting investment and creating jobs. The road ahead requires open communication and social responsibility. Resettlement due to construction must be handled with care and support. But the challenges are outweighed by the immense benefits. The Addis Ababa corridor development project is a collective endeavor, a composition for a brighter future. The project acknowledges the need for open communication and social responsibility. Resettlement due to construction will be handled with care and support. While challenges exist, the immense benefits outweigh them. The corridor development project is a collective endeavor, a co-creation of a brighter future for Addis Ababa. In a nutshell, Addis Ababa's story is one of constant transformation. Today, the city is embracing an ambitious "corridor development" project that focuses on improving aesthetics, creating wider roads, and incorporating green spaces. Residents like Belayneh Desta are enjoying the benefits of this project, with safer pedestrian walkways, a more pleasing landscape, and a city that meets international standards. While there may be temporary inconveniences, most residents recognize the long-term value of the project. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has emphasized the importance of quality and collaboration, underscoring the government's commitment to transforming the city into a more beautiful, attractive, and livable space for all. The road ahead won't be without its bumps. There will be adjustments to make and challenges to overcome. But by working together, residents, businesses, planners, and environmentalists can all play a part in shaping a brighter future for Addis Ababa. The project is not just a construction initiative; it's a collective endeavor to build a modern, sustainable, and prosperous city for all. Let's embrace the promise of a transformed city where clean streets hum with activity, green spaces flourish, and opportunity thrives. Indeed, the government’s vision for Addis Ababa extends beyond this project. The "Green Legacy" initiative, a nationwide tree-planting campaign, contributes to a greener city. This multi-pronged approach paints a picture of a modern, sustainable, and prosperous capital city.
Ethiopia Embarks on Independent Transitional Justice Process
Jun 22, 2024 8471
By Haile Henok Tadele Ethiopia's tumultuous past, characterized by human rights transgressions, has left an indelible mark on the nation's collective consciousness. Those who have hitherto assumed political power condemns and punishes others by shifting the blame on others it considered as transgressors. Such approach will never promote the prevalence of justice. It would only produce regrets, and escalation of revenge. This is the major reason why a vicious circle of the desire for vengeance, revenge and unforgiving have prevailed in the country. The implementation of a transitional justice is therefore a viable strategy to break the dichotomy between the transgressors and the victims. As the country ushers in an era of democratic reforms and national reconciliation, the implementation of a comprehensive transitional justice framework emerges as a cornerstone for achieving sustainable transformation and long-term economic prosperity. Belayhun Yirga, Ethiopia's State Minister of Justice, affirmed the government's dedication to an impartial and professional transitional justice process, eschewing any intervention that might compromise its integrity. This approach encompasses a spectrum of judicial and non-judicial measures designed to address the legacy of past atrocities and human rights violations, aiming to ensure accountability, provide redress for victims, foster reconciliation, and establish the foundations for a more equitable, peaceful, and prosperous society. Previous attempts to resolve human rights violations, conflicts, and abuses in Ethiopia have fallen short, failing to implement universal transitional justice principles based on truth, reconciliation, mercy, and justice. Recognizing this shortcoming, a new Transitional Justice Policy has been developed to manage and implement the process in a cohesive, integrated, and effective manner at the national level. A multidisciplinary panel of ten highly qualified experts from academia, the legal profession, and other relevant fields has been assembled to craft this policy. The State Minister revealed that this independent taskforce has conducted over 60 public workshops and consultations nationwide, culminating in a comprehensive "green paper" policy framework endorsed by the council of ministers. The objective was to devise a policy grounded in Ethiopia's realities by involving all stakeholders, including victims, women's groups, civil society organizations, regional states, the federal government, and the general public. Central to Ethiopia's transitional justice journey is the establishment of a truth-seeking process, such as a truth and reconciliation commission. This systematic investigation aims to illuminate past human rights abuses, identify perpetrators, and uncover the circumstances surrounding these atrocities. By acknowledging victims' suffering and confronting the nation's history, this process can foster a shared understanding and pave the way for accountability and justice. The government seeks to pursue transitional justice through a reconciliation process tailored to Ethiopia's unique context. While drawing on global best practices, the State Minister emphasized the need for a reconciliation process fundamentally rooted in Ethiopia's diverse regional and communal situations. As part of the policy implementation, several institutions will be established, including a truth and reconciliation commission, special attorney general's office, and dedicated courts. A comprehensive transitional justice framework must prioritize a robust system of reparations and victim support, potentially involving compensation, rehabilitation services, and symbolic gestures such as official apologies or memorials. By addressing victims' needs and restoring their dignity, these measures can contribute to healing, reconciliation, and societal cohesion – vital prerequisites for sustainable economic development. Sustainable transition and economic growth in Ethiopia necessitate reforming key institutions. This may involve vetting public officials, implementing human rights training, and establishing independent oversight mechanisms. Such reforms can prevent future human rights abuses, rebuild public trust in democratic institutions, and create a stable, predictable environment conducive to investment and business growth. In addition to formal mechanisms, Ethiopia will strive to explore community-based approaches to reconciliation, leveraging traditional conflict resolution systems and creating platforms for inter-community dialogue. By fostering grassroots reconciliation and empowering marginalized groups, these initiatives can complement top-down processes, contributing to national healing and unlocking the full potential of Ethiopia's human capital for inclusive economic development. A draft roadmap delineating detailed activities for the policy's implementation phase has been prepared. Key elements under consideration include accountability mechanisms, procedures to investigate abuses, provisions for amnesty and reparations, institutional reforms, incorporation of customary justice systems, and clear delineation of federal-regional state roles. The government aspires for this reconciliation process to foster lasting peace, accountability, and healing in Ethiopia. "By establishing a robust accountability system, we aim to deliver a genuine sense of justice to aggrieved parties," the State Minister affirmed. As Ethiopia stands at this critical juncture, the international community, civil society, and the Ethiopian people must collaborate to ensure an inclusive, transparent, and victim-centric transitional justice process. Only through such concerted efforts can the country progress towards a future marked by justice, reconciliation, enduring stability, and shared prosperity.  
Ethiopia's Pursuit of Self-Sufficiency
Jun 22, 2024 5493
Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the Ethiopian government has embarked on a strategic mission to address the country's longstanding humanitarian challenges and steer the nation towards self-sufficiency. This transformative approach aims to empower Ethiopia to meet its own needs, reduce reliance on external aid, and ultimately, achieve sustainable development. Prime Minister Abiy has repeatedly emphasized the importance of this shift, stating, "To attain true freedom, we must enhance productivity. We have a wonderful country with enough water, enough land, and more than enough youth population. Freedom becomes meaningless unless we free ourselves from the shackles of dependency." One of the key priorities for the Ethiopian government is to tackle the critical issue of food insecurity and hunger. The Prime Minister has placed a strong emphasis on modernizing the agricultural sector, improving crop yields, and diversifying the country's food production. This includes investments in irrigation infrastructure, the promotion of climate-smart farming practices, and the expansion of agricultural extension services to support smallholder farmers. The government's commitment to agricultural development is evident in initiatives such as the 'Bounty of the Basket' (Ye Lemat Tirufat) program. According to PM Abiy, "In the past Ethiopian calendar year, milk production, poultry and meat production rates have marked good results as per the plan." He also highlighted successes in honey production, stating, "Through our 'Bounty of the Basket' initiative launched last year, we have managed to increase honey productivity to around 98,000 tons per year through modern methods." In addition to strengthening food security, the government is taking proactive steps to enhance the nation's resilience to natural disasters, such as floods and droughts. This involves reinforcing early warning systems, improving disaster preparedness and response mechanisms, and implementing comprehensive disaster risk management strategies. By mitigating the impact of these calamities, Ethiopia aims to reduce the need for emergency humanitarian assistance and foster a more self-reliant approach to crisis management. Furthermore, the government is working to address the root causes of dependency on external aid. This includes concerted efforts to improve domestic resource mobilization, promote local entrepreneurship, and diversify the country's economic base. The ultimate goal is to reduce Ethiopia's reliance on foreign aid and instead, harness the nation's own resources and human capital to drive sustainable development. Prime Minister Abiy has vowed to "make Ethiopia Africa's Beacon of prosperity and unity by freeing the country from economic dependence." He emphasized that while "Ethiopia has repeatedly fought for its independence and it is a country that has thwarted all attempts of external aggressions," the nation "has not realized economic development and freed from dependence in this regard. Thus, the East African nation should strive to extricate itself from economic dependence." Over the past two weeks, higher officials of the government have held a series of public discussions with the wider public. These discussions have centered on the nation's concerted efforts to avoid aid dependency and further strengthen its path towards self-sufficiency. During these dialogues, senior government representatives emphasized the need for a paradigm shift in the country's approach to development. Government Chief Whip Tesfaye Beljige stated that "efforts are underway to build a strong stance that enables the country to handle crises on its own by breaking free from aid dependency mindset during the years of reform." Agriculture Minister Girma Amente pointed out that "climate change, natural disasters, and vicious cycles of conflict have been the major reasons for relying on aid. In this respect, the belief that provision of aid is a better alternative has played a role in perpetuating the dependency mindset." The public has responded positively to these discussions, expressing a shared sense of responsibility and a desire to work alongside the government to build a more self-reliant Ethiopia. Participants have highlighted the importance of strengthening local production, promoting entrepreneurship, and investing in community-based resilience initiatives. By prioritizing self-sufficiency, the Ethiopian government under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is positioning the country to take greater control of its own future. Through targeted investments, multi-stakeholder collaboration, and a renewed commitment to self-reliance, Ethiopia is poised to overcome its humanitarian challenges and reduce its dependency on external aid. While fostering the proper utilization of national resources to mitigate economic challenges and improve the livelihood of citizen is the center of Ethiopia’s development path, international cooperation would also be instrumental to scaling up the national effort to further sustain country’s prosperity. As Prime Minister Abiy concluded, "Our cluster farming approach is testament to what we can achieve in unity for food security and national development." This transformative journey towards self-reliance will not only enhance the nation's resilience but also empower its people to shape their own development pathway, ushering in a more prosperous and self-sufficient future for the country.  
Wollega: A Hub of Untapped Agricultural Potential
Jun 15, 2024 4193
BY GIRMA MIRGISA Eight years have elapsed since the author has traveled to Wollega, a place in western Ethiopia, Oromia regional state. With tantalizing natural beauty carpeted with greenery and colorful natural wild flowers, Wollega is the most fertile land that gives all kinds of products enough to feed million. The writer recalls the breathtaking lush green fields and panoramic landscape which would certainly captivate the eyes of a visitor or a person on duty to the Wollega. Wollega boasts its diverse landscape, fertile farmland with various types of crops, expansive forested areas, and undulating hills and a range of mountains. Endowed with exotic flora and fauna, the area is listed as one of the sources of forest and cultivated coffee, spices, honey and abundant livestock resources. Wollega has vast mineral resources including gold, platinum, iron ore, coal, granite and marble. With their smiling faces and welcoming gestures, the people of Wollega Zones are well known for their incredible hospitality, generosity and spirit of peace and friendships. Agriculture is the mainstay of the local economy, with crops such as teff, maize, sorghum, and coffee as the main cash crop major products. If you happen to travel to Wollega, you would certainly be invited to dine on traditional foods like Chumbo, Anchote and a host of other fresh food stuffs that fill your mouth with saliva. However, over the last few years, Wollega has experienced devastative security problems that prevailed both in the rural and urban settings of the zones. These security problems caused a sort of insecurity among those who travel to the area on business and other activities they wish to accomplish in the zones. Moreover, a number of development programs and projects launched by the federal and Oromia Regional governments were stalled due to security problems that also resulted in the delay of projects planned for the development of the zones in Wollega. The government and the people of the areas have been exerting efforts to bring peace. Now things are improving with a restoration of peace and tranquility in the zones in Wollega, development programs launched by the federal and Oromia regional Governments were reinvigorated while farmers in the zone have started to cultivate their lands exploiting the favorable rainfall in the area. Once again business in the zone is flourishing with improvements in safety on transport networks. Students are back to school and getting ready for final exams while local merchants are busy transporting various types of commodities badly needed by the population in the zones. Recently, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed addressed a huge rally staged by residents of Wollega drawn from four zones in Nekemte where he told them the government will remain committed to addressing the various development and social needs of the population in the zones. The residents on their part expressed their strong support for the multifaceted efforts that are being undertaken by the government. Last week, a delegation led by Oromia Region Agriculture Bureau, Head Getu Gemechu conducted a working visit to various agricultural development activities being carried out in the East Wollega, West Wollega and Qellem Wollega Zones. I have joined a team of journalists who were deployed to the zone to cover the multi-sector development programs. As we arrived at each zone officials and representatives of farmers in the zones offered us a warm welcome. The hospitality and warm welcome accorded to the officials and our team is typical of the population in the areas we visited and shows the extent to which peace and friendship has become a cultural heritage of the people which had transcended from generation to generation. Over the course of one week, the writer was able to cruise through a cluster of maize, coffee, avocado, pig breeding and fattening farms and other agricultural development activities across the zones. The writer of this article has noticed the commitment, tenacity, diligence and enthusiasm that the farmers have shown in improving their production and productivity in the various areas of cluster farming at this critical period of farming season in the respective zones. They have been implementing cluster farming on various crops including maize, coffee, barely and others. Cluster farming involves grouping small-scale farmers together to create economies of scale, coordinate production, and share resources and infrastructure. This model was identified as a means to enhance the productivity, efficiency, and market access to smallholder farmers in Wollega. Therefore, the cluster farming approach in Wollega represents an attempt to leverage the benefits of collective action and economies of scale to support smallholder agricultural development in the zones. The government has been intensively introducing various initiatives to enhance agricultural productivity with a view of ensuring food self-sufficiency and import substitution. These initiatives have also brought significant changes in the production of various fruits such as avocado, bananas and papaya in the zones visited by the author and other zones in Oromia Regional State. The technical and administrative support provided to the cluster farmers by agricultural experts in the zones have immensely contributed to the enhancement of agricultural production and productivity. The author had the chance to talk with farmers, regional and zonal officials, each with a unique story to tell about the challenges they had faced and the successes they have registered in the agriculture sector. For instance, recently, avocado has become an important cash crop for smallholder farmers in the Wollega, contributing to increased income generation and export earnings for Ethiopia. Jirenya Abera is one of many farmers who are benefiting from avocado production in the East Wollega Zone. He said “I have been engaged in avocado production over the past four years as the government has paid attention to transform the sector.” Now he has been able to own 380 avocados and 250 coffee trees and he is expecting a bumper harvest very soon. He is planning to export the products to other countries. Farmers in the region are aware of the economic advantages of avocado; as the result production of the fruit has been rising steadily. The farmers in Wollega who talked to the writer are not simply growing crops; they are producing coffee seedlings, honey production and are engaged in pig farming. Coffee is a major economic and cultural pace setter in the zones the author has visited. These agricultural activities have supported the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of farmers. Coffee plants thrive in the highlands and mountainous terrains of Wollega where smallholder farmers cultivate both Arabica and Robusta coffee varieties. The coffee industry remains a vital part of Wollega's economy and cultural identity and provides livelihood opportunities for millions while also shaping the area’s unique cultural traditions also being a major export commodity at the global market from the region. Traditional, shade-grown coffee farming methods are commonly practiced, intercropping coffee plants with other crops and trees. Over the years scaling up coffee production in Ethiopia has been a pivotal focus with the objective of enhancing the competitiveness and quality production of the country's coffee sector. It is also critical to improve the productivity and quality of Ethiopian coffee, ultimately benefiting the livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers. Oromia Regional Agriculture Bureau Head Getu Gemechu said Wollega has immense untapped agricultural potential given its favorable natural endowments. Various initiatives are being implemented to improve the livelihood of farmers by carrying out agricultural development activities across the zones in Wollega and other zones in the Oromia region. The author reports that throughout his stay in the zones in the Wollega area, I was thrilled by the commitment and unshakable resilience of the farmers. The writer of this article was able to closely observe efforts underway by the farmers in the zones to improve their livelihood and play an active role in transforming the agriculture sector. It is important to provide agriculture imputes for farmers on time including fertilizers and improving seeds. By simultaneously addressing these multiple agricultural activities, smallholder farmers in Wollega need to be further empowered to become more productive, profitable, and integrated into lucrative agricultural value chains. Some global commercial media outlets and social media houses have always been busy misinforming the local and international community and politicizing the situation in the zones in Wollega. Despite the shortfalls and challenges the zones have faced, the farmers in the region are emerging victorious as the result of the peace and stability that has been restoring in the areas visited by the author. It is inappropriate to commercialize the plight of the people in the region while it is possible to document the reality on the ground. The people in the four zones of Wollega are striving for prosperity while as the same time addressing the challenges of instability in the areas. ‘Wollega is the Land of Peace and Greenery.’      
Enduring Dedication of Ethiopia's National Defense Force to Int'l  Peace
Jun 7, 2024 5886
By Haile Henok Tadele In the ever-evolving landscape of global security, Ethiopia stands out as a beacon of peace and stability. With a rich history of peacekeeping deployments dating back to the Korean War in 1951, the country has cemented its role as a trusted partner in the United Nations' efforts to maintain international peace and security. As the leading contributor of peacekeeping forces globally, Ethiopia has deployed its soldiers to conflict-torn regions across Africa and beyond. From the scorching deserts of Darfur to the lush plains of South Sudan, members of the Ethiopian defense Force peacekeepers have not only upheld their duty to protect civilians and restore stability, but have also made tangible improvements to local communities. Through their tireless efforts, members of the Ethiopian Defense Forces have built schools, health clinics, and critical infrastructure, transforming the lives of those affected by conflict. Their unwavering commitment to serving the greater good has earned them widespread international acclaim, with the United Nations, the United States, Canada, and various military attachés lauding Ethiopia's invaluable contribution to maintaining peace and security around the world. In 2022, three Ethiopian peacekeepers were posthumously honored at the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers ceremony, awarded the prestigious Dag Hammarskjöld Medal for making the ultimate sacrifice while serving under the UN flag. This recognition underscores the Ethiopia's National Defense Force longstanding history of participating in UN peacekeeping missions, a legacy that spans decades. Achievements Ethiopia's first deployment of troops to the Korean Peninsula in 1951 marked a pivotal moment, not only in the country's peacekeeping history but also in the trajectory of South Korea's remarkable economic transformation. The presence and dedication of the Ethiopian peacekeepers, who fought alongside their UN counterparts, played a crucial role in maintaining the fragile armistice and providing the necessary stability for South Korea to begin its journey towards economic prosperity. The ENDF's involvement in Somalia's peacekeeping efforts has been equally significant. Since the early 1990s, the ENDF has been a consistent presence in the country, contributing to the stabilization of the region and the restoration of the Somali government's authority. Through their tireless efforts, the ENDF has been instrumental in securing key infrastructure, facilitating humanitarian aid delivery, and training local security forces, laying the groundwork for Somalia's gradual recovery. The ENDF's peacekeeping role was also pivotal in Liberia's journey towards stability and prosperity. During the country's civil war, the ENDF deployed troops to support the UN peacekeeping mission, playing a vital role in disarming combatants, securing key locations, and facilitating the transition to a democratically elected government. The ENDF's steadfast commitment and professionalism contributed to the establishment of lasting peace, paving the way for Liberia's remarkable economic and social progress in the years that followed. Furthermore, the ENDF's presence in Rwanda during the country's darkest hour was a testament to its unyielding dedication to global peace. Amid the horrific genocide, the ENDF's contingent worked tirelessly to protect civilians, provide humanitarian aid, and support the efforts to bring normalcy. The ENDF's actions during this period were instrumental in laying the groundwork for Rwanda's remarkable recovery and transformation into the thriving, peaceful nation it is today. International Acclaim From the scorching deserts of Darfur to the Korean peninsula, the blue helmets of Ethiopia's peacekeepers have become a symbol of hope and security. As the world grapples with complex conflicts, the international community continues to recognize Ethiopia's steadfast commitment to global peace and stability, setting an inspiring example for others to follow. The success of Ethiopia's peacekeeping operations has not gone unnoticed by the international community. The United States has repeatedly expressed gratitude for the role the Ethiopian National Defense Force plays in regional stability. Canada has also commended Ethiopia's remarkable work in empowering and enhancing the participation of women in peacekeeping missions, with Larisa Galadza, the Peace and Stabilization Director-General of Global Affairs Canada, lauding the country's leadership in gender equality as Ethiopia has also notably made strides in promoting gender parity within its peacekeeping contingents. In 2016, the country reached 16% women's participation, surpassing the UN's target of 20% by 2020. This inclusive approach enhances the peacekeepers' ability to connect with local communities and address the unique needs of women and children. Furthermore, the United Nations has described Ethiopia as one of its "strongest partners" in peacekeeping, with the UN Under-Secretary-General Jean-Pierre Lacroix recognizing the country's invaluable contribution. The success of the Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in the disputed region of Abyei has also been celebrated, with the mission receiving a medal reward from the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA). Commitment to International Peace Ethiopia's steadfast commitment to global peacekeeping, combined with its impressive track record of success and the international recognition it has received, is a testament to the country's dedication to promoting stability and security around the world. As the country continues to play a vital role in UN and AU peacekeeping missions, its legacy as a beacon of peace will undoubtedly inspire generations to come. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has reaffirmed Ethiopia's commitment to this noble cause, stating that the Ethiopian army has sacrificed life and limb to protect the peace of all peoples, and that the country's defense forces are "symbols of peace wherever they go." Today, Ethiopia stands as the top contributor of peacekeeping forces globally, with over 8,300 uniformed personnel serving in various missions. This remarkable achievement underscores the nation's profound belief in the transformative power of peace and stability, and its unwavering dedication to fostering a more just and peaceful world.
Public Engagement to Transform Addis  to a Cleaner, Greener Capital
May 11, 2024 12228
By Henok Tadele Haile As the vibrant heart of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa holds a unique significance, not just for its residents, but also for the international community that calls this city home. Recognizing its importance as the political capital of Africa and a hub for influential global organizations, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has embarked on a transformative journey to elevate Addis Ababa's status and enhance the quality of life for all who inhabit this dynamic metropolis. Over the past few years, the city has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, with the creation of world-class parks, museums, and other amenities that have bolstered Ethiopia's tourism sector and made Addis Ababa an increasingly attractive destination for visitors. From the breathtaking Unity Park to the captivating Entoto Park and Friendship Park, these new landmarks have not only added to the city's allure, but have also served to improve the living conditions of its residents. Now, Prime Minister Abiy has set his sights on an equally ambitious goal: revolutionizing the city's public sanitation infrastructure. Launching the "Clean Streets and Healthy Livelihood" campaign, the Prime Minister has called upon all Ethiopians to join hands in building cities that prioritize cleanliness and inclusivity, recognizing the critical importance of collective effort in achieving this vision. One of the objectives of the PM’s initiative is to build modern public toilets in the identified corridors to enhancing accessibility and fostering cleanliness within urban landscape. This initiative also strives to elevate hygiene standards across our city and nation by promoting a culture of dignified toilet usage and raising awareness about cleanliness. At the heart of this initiative is the construction of modern, hygienic, and accessible public restroom facilities across Addis Ababa's urban areas. For decades, the city has grappled with a lack of standardized public sanitation services, leading many residents to resort to unsanitary alternatives. The Prime Minister's plan aims to address this pressing issue, not only improving public health and reducing the spread of waterborne diseases, but also creating employment opportunities and fostering a sense of dignity for those in need. To ensure the sustainability and success of this project, the government has launched a digital telethon, seeking both cash and in-kind contributions from the general public, individual donors, and institutions. This telethon, scheduled for a ten-hour period on Sunday, May 12th, 2024, has been aptly named "Clean Streets - Healthy Lives," underscoring the interconnectedness of urban cleanliness and the well-being of the community. The plan is to raise 50 million Birr in a 10hr period digital telethon challenge. As Prime Minister Abiy has eloquently stated, "We are colorful when we come together for a collective cause." Indeed, the resounding success of this telethon will not only showcase the power of unity and mutual concern, but also serve as a testament to the Ethiopian people's unwavering commitment to creating cities that cater to the needs of all. The campaign is a great opportunity to engage all Ethiopians including the diaspora and members of the international community based in Addis Ababa as well as friends of Ethiopia, and others have the chance to contribute individually or in groups to this magnificent objective which aims at enhancing public sanitation services. Through this ambitious initiative, Prime Minister Abiy's vision for a cleaner, greener, and more inclusive Addis Ababa is taking shape. By harnessing the collective efforts of the government, the private sector, and the public, the city is poised to become a model of sustainable urban development, setting a precedent for cities across Ethiopia and the African continent. As we rally behind this cause, we bear witness to the transformative power of community-driven change, paving the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for Addis Ababa and its people.  
Ethiopia Demonstrating Full Commitment To Implementing Peace Agreement
May 10, 2024 10842
BY SOLOMON DIBABA The Agreement on Permanent Cessation of Hostilities was signed on 2 November, 2022 between the Federal Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF in Pretoria, South Africa. The peace talks mediated by the AU, was attended by international observers such as UN and paved the way for a lasting peace in northern part of Ethiopia. Even before the signing of the agreement, the Ethiopian Government had been providing the lion’s share of relief supplies to the citizens affected by the war and has been cooperating with international partners and UN systems to facilitate the supply of relief food to the needy people of Tigray. The Pretoria Peace Agreement has enhanced a new culture of putting an end to conflicts by soliciting political solutions through round table discussions. This bold move amplifies the importance of a mature and resolute decision of the federal government of Ethiopia to prevent future generations from inheriting a legacy of winners and losers characterized by animosity and grudges. Through peace agreement, the two parties agreed to halt the bloody and unnecessary conflict. The Ethiopian Government has established an environment conducive to unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to Tigray. Following the signing of the peace agreement, the government surpassed its obligations stipulated in the accord and implemented series of measures deemed necessary to cultivate trust and sustainable peace in the northern part of the country. The government has also been diligently working towards repairing and reinstating damaged infrastructure facilities and services. Considerable financial resources have been allocated by the government to reinstate economic activities in the Tigray region. Given the substantial dividend of peace, the government has carried out activities beyond expectations to heal the wounds inflicted by the conflict. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, the Ethiopian Government took remarkable swift action in restoring the infrastructure facilities that were damaged by the conflict by opening up road transport to Tigray as a major prerequisite for fast-tracking relief and rehabilitation supplies as well as restarting social services like hospitals, health centers and clinics and schools as well as telephone and network services. The government also restored electric power supply in Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions by deploying professionals who accomplished their duties in a relatively shorter period of time. Major airports in Tigray region were rehabilitated and air transport resumed operations enabling citizens to reunite with their families who had been separated for two years. With regard to costs of the maintenance of airports in Tigray, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed told members of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) earlier this year that over half billion Birr of expenditure was made for the resumption of the air transport to Shire, Mekele and Axum. The air transport at least helped people with chronic diseases to fly to Addis and get medical treatment. Moreover, Ethio telecom also repaired over 1000 kms of optical fiber and 475 mobile sites while repairing over 20,000 landline telephones, it was learnt. Furthermore, the National Bank Ethiopian provided 10 billion Birr liquidity, enabling some 600 bank branches to start services. Almost all universities in Tigray regional state have resumed their duties. Similarly, health care institutions are now providing health services. Through a special procurement, the federal government has imported 500 tractors and over 300 pumps to improve agriculture in Tigray. About 630,000 hectares of land was also cultivated in the region last crop season with support of agricultural inputs support such as tractors, select seed, fertilizer and pumps by the Ministry of Agriculture and other regional states. Moreover, major public and private banks were reopened to provide financial services which were totally closed during the war which lasted for two years. This has helped to reinvigorate business activities that have totally collapsed in the advent of the devastative war. The aforementioned results are just a few of the achievements carried out by the federal government as part of its duties to the Pretoria Peace Agreement, creating confidence with TPLF. However, the other party has reciprocated little. For instance, former combatants of TPLF have not been demobilized, to the contrary, there are visible deployment and mobilizations of armed forces for fresh conflicts that everyone can see, claiming they will seize disputed areas of former settlements. This is in stark violation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement. The peace agreement underscores that disputed areas should be resolved constitutionally, not through force. Hence, to fully implement the peace agreement, the other signatory must reciprocate its duties in the same manner and commitment demonstrated by the federal government: it needs to demobilize its forces, cease provocation to control disputed areas by force. It is only the federal government which should have military might and capability. States are prohibited from maintaining armed and organized forces beyond the police and militia required for law enforcement at the state level; they should not exceed this limit. Hence, the disarmament process and associated procedures must be expeditiously implemented in accordance with the plan charted out by the Rehabilitation Commission. Efforts to resettle those displaced by the war must be accelerated, but IDPs should be returned to their settlements as civilians, not with arms. The issue of administrative border demarcation should be addressed constitutionally, not by resorting to military means. The people of Tigray have greater expectations for the implementation of the peace agreement because much of their current and future aspirations depend upon the full implementation of the Agreement for which the government has paid special attention. The AU and international community are fully backing the timely implementation of this agreement which is of crucial importance for both the national peace and security as well as the stability of the Horn of Africa. Failing to learn from past mistakes is more problematic than committing the mistakes in the beginning. Without drawing lessons from our past mistakes, it will be difficult to whole heartedly collaborate with those who wish to perpetuate the problems we face today. Thus, sustaining the achievements so far registered by the federal government to accelerate the full implementation of the agreement seriously requires the other signatory to contribute its part in the peace process with no reservations and excuses as the terms of the Agreement entail legal accountability at all levels. All told, the federal government has gone a long way to fully implement the peace agreement. It is vehemently working for durable peace and stability, upholding the rule of law. Hence, the National Dialogue is under implementation to resolve differences of opinion among citizens on fundamental issues and forge a national consensus and address Ethiopia’s backlogs of problems through extensive public discussions. The government has also put in place a Transitional Justice Policy Framework, anchored on the pillars of justice, accountability, reconciliation and redress past mistakes. Inevitably, Ethiopia’s prosperity will thrive on.
Fasika, a Celebration of Rebirth, Forgiveness, and Unity in Ethiopia
May 3, 2024 7512
(By Henok H.)     On Sunday Ethiopian Christians will celebrate Easter, locally called Fasika. When Fasika finally arrives, the atmosphere across Ethiopia is electric with anticipation and jubilation. In the ancient and deeply spiritual land of Ethiopia, the faithful eagerly await the arrival of Fasika, or Easter, each year. This holiest of occasions, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, holds profound cultural and religious significance for Ethiopians. It is a time when the entire nation collectively embraces the values of rebirth, forgiveness, and unity – virtues that lie at the very heart of the Fasika celebration. The weeks leading up to Fasika are marked by a solemn period of fasting and repentance known as the Lenten season. During Lent, believers often engage in acts of self-discipline, prayer, repentance, and fasting. The purpose is to reflect on one's spiritual life, seek forgiveness for sins, and draw closer to God. The Lenten season is seen as a time of spiritual purification and renewal before the celebration of Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On top of that , for Ethiopians, Easter, is a celebration that resonates far beyond its religious significance. This holiest of occasions for Ethiopian Christians is a powerful catalyst for family gathering, togetherness, social cohesion, and resolving conflicts through open dialogue. As families and communities come together in joyous celebration, the spirit of Fasika offers a profound opportunity to foster healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation on both a personal and national level. As families come together to share meals, exchange gifts, and engage in communal prayers and hymns, they are reminded of the unbreakable bonds that transcend any temporary misunderstandings or grievances. The emphasis on forgiveness and letting go of grudges inspires individuals to address their differences, seek mutual understanding, and rebuild broken relationships, thereby promoting harmony and peace within the family unit. At the heart of the Fasika celebration lies a powerful message of forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a time when families and communities come together, setting aside past grievances and embracing one another with open arms. The act of sharing a communal meal, carries immense symbolic weight. As families and friends gather around a single platter, partaking in the same meal, they are reminded of the unbreakable bonds that transcend any temporary conflicts or misunderstandings. Promoting Family Gathering, Togetherness, and Conflict Resolution One of the most cherished traditions of Fasika (Ethiopian Easter) is the act of family gathering. Loved ones, whether living under the same roof or scattered across different regions, make a concerted effort to reunite and strengthen their familial bonds. The festival provides a conducive environment for resolving family conflicts and problems through open and honest discussions, guided by the principles of forgiveness and reconciliation that are central to the Fasika celebration. This spirit of forgiveness and unity is not limited to the personal sphere; it extends to the very fabric of Ethiopian society. Fasika serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation on a national scale. The holiday's emphasis on setting aside differences and embracing one another as brothers and sisters resonates deeply with the Ethiopian people, who have endured their fair share of societal divisions and conflicts throughout history. Harnessing Fasika's Spirit for National Dialogue and Reconciliation Ethiopia has been engaged in several of activities aiming to bring a lasting peace and sustainable development in the country. Considering the fact that peace, coexistence and reconciliation are crucial for the overall national development, Ethiopians are now about to begin consultation with a view to create national consensus on common issues through an inclusive national dialogue. The establishment of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission represents a beacon of hope, aiming to promote inclusive dialogue, mediation, and national unity. The values embodied by the sacred Fasika celebration offer a powerful guiding force for the work of this Commission. Just as families and communities come together during Fasika to heal rifts and strengthen bonds, so too can the diverse groups of Ethiopia engage in open and honest dialogue, guided by the principles of forgiveness, empathy, and a shared commitment to the nation's well-being. By drawing upon the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of Fasika, Ethiopia can harness the transformative power of this ancient celebration to foster genuine reconciliation and unity among its people. The holiday's emphasis on rebirth and renewal can inspire a renewed commitment to addressing past injustices, cultivating mutual understanding, and building an inclusive society where all Ethiopians feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to the nation's growth and prosperity. The joyous sounds of Fasika celebrations echo across the country, serving as a resounding reminder of the resilience, faith, and unwavering spirit that has sustained the Ethiopian people through centuries of triumphs and challenges. It is a time when the nation comes together, not just to commemorate a pivotal moment in Christian history but also to reaffirm the enduring values of forgiveness, unity, and collective progress – virtues that lie at the heart of Fasika and can guide Ethiopia towards a more harmonious future. By embracing the essence of Ethiopian Easter (Fasika) and leveraging its rich cultural heritage, Ethiopia can forge a path towards genuine national reconciliation, where diverse groups engage in constructive dialogue, address historical grievances, and work together towards a shared vision of peace, prosperity, and unity in diversity. The dialogue that involves all segments of the society with a view to resolving centuries old predicaments that the country is facing, heal resentments and wounds caused during the heinous acts of previous political systems. In this regard, the government has been showing strong commitment to the successful conduct of the dialogue that aims at correcting major fault lines paving the way for creating consensus on basic national issues to the 120 million peoples. Moreover, the government has demonstrated that this nation is common home for the citizenry. To this effect, the government engaged leaders and members of other political parties into the state nomenclature, which is a new political departure in the history of Ethiopia.  
Transforming Addis into a More Livable & Vibrant City
May 2, 2024 7007
In addition to serving as Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa is significant to African politics and diplomacy. Along with the embassies of many nations throughout the world, the city is home to the headquarters of important international organizations like the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Recognizing the importance of Addis Ababa, not only for its residents but also for the international diplomatic community, the government has been dedicated to improving the city's livability for its millions of inhabitants and the staff of various international organizations. Through collaboration between the Addis Ababa city administration and the federal government, a series of measures have been undertaken to transform the city into a cutting-edge, smart metropolis. Over the past few years, Addis Ababa has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to the initiative led by Prime Minister Abiy to enhance the city's aesthetics. The efforts have borne fruit, with the creation of world-class parks and museums that have greatly supported the country's tourism sector. Notable achievements include Unity Park, Entoto Park, Friendship Park, the Science Museum, the National Palace Museum, and the Adwa Memorial Museum, which have added to the city's allure for both residents and visitors. In addition to these accomplishments, the government has intensified its collaboration with the private sector to further elevate Addis Ababa's status as the political capital of Africa and a hub for influential international organizations. One such project is the corridor development initiative, aimed at elevating the city’s stand global smart city standards. Rebuilding slum areas, renovating and improving infrastructure facilities such as integrated drainage systems and utilities, as well as expanding of roads to handle increased traffic, building roomy walkways for pedestrians, repairing historic buildings, and modernizing structures to conform to the city's aesthetic standards to improve the living conditions of citizens. As part of the city's continued development activities, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed recently announced another significant project. He has launched a campaign to revolutionize public sanitation infrastructure, envisioning modern, hygienic, and inclusive restroom facilities across urban areas. The campaign, named "Clean Streets and Healthy Livelihood," places community engagement at its core and aligns with a broader commitment to creating cities that cater to the needs of all citizens. Prime Minister Abiy has called upon Ethiopians to join hands in building cities that prioritize cleanliness and inclusivity, emphasizing the importance of collective effort. This campaign builds upon the Prime Minister's transformative endeavors during his six-year tenure, which have focused on improving urban environments and public amenities. The campaign dubbed “clean streets and healthy livelihood,” is closely linked to the beautification of Addis Ababa, the greening of the city, the road corridor development project, and the ongoing rehabilitation of infrastructure. “As we embark on this new initiative, I call upon all Ethiopians to contribute their share in creating cities that are conducive for everyone,” he posted on X. The campaign which could be launched in regional cities as well is closely connected to the beautification of Addis Ababa and greening the city along with road corridor development project and rehabilitation of infrastructures currently underway in the city. For many decades, Addis Ababa has lacked standardized public restrooms and sanitary services, often leading residents to resort to unsanitary alternatives in isolated corners. The project aims to provide the public with standardized restrooms and sanitation facilities and is financed through donations from the general public, individual donors, and institutions and companies that have enthusiastically embraced the Prime Minister's initiative. The project is expected to provide residents with access to public sanitation services in a more dignified manner, reducing the spread of waterborne diseases and related health hazards. Over time, it may also create employment opportunities for those in need and serve as a source of income generation for the unemployed. This project is also an integral part of the green legacy initiative, which contributes to various ecotourism projects and park developments that are already modernizing Addis Ababa's landscape. To ensure the sustainability of the project and create a vibrant and healthy environment for the public to enjoy the benefits of improved sanitation, it is essential to emphasize the importance of public participation and organized development. As efforts to secure funds for the project, a telethon has been launched last week by the premier. The fundraising activity can serve as a showcase for the significance of cooperation and mutual concern in improving the health and beautification of cities across the country. The general public and individual companies have been actively participating in the telethon.  
Transitional Justice Viable Instrument for Ethiopia’s Durable Peace
Apr 26, 2024 6476
Of late, the National Intelligence and Security Council issued a statement, emphasizing the significance of the Transitional Justice Policy which the country has embarked on rectifying injustices inherited from past history. Ethiopia is a big country with a population of 120 million and with a diverse range of resources. Nonetheless, the country has not yet attained its aspiration as well as material progress due to its backward political system. It is unfortunate that Ethiopia’s stagnated political practice and divisive discourse has left fundamental issues of the country unanswered for centuries. As a result, Ethiopia has endured various transgressions, heinous activities and violation of basic human rights. Those in political authority have thus far disregarded the voices of others by placing the blame on the people they view as violators. A series of political systems have not only engulfed the country and its people into a miserable life but also caused serious hostilities and resentment among citizens. Authorities crushed those forces that made demands for change of course, resulting in that disputes were unsettled and transferred to posterity, weakening the statehood of Ethiopia. Such approaches have been dragging the nation for an endless bloodshed, fragmentation, and face the quagmire of poverty. As these backlogs of Ethiopia have caused protracted disputes, misunderstandings, and instability, the country should come up with a viable mechanism which could change the state of affairs. To this effect, the reformist government of Ethiopia has adopted a Transitional Justice Policy as a viable mechanism to heal the wounds of the victims and avoid resentment which has been the main causes to the instability and underdevelopment of the country. In this regard, the current government is striving to write a new history and reversing the centuries-old resentment and hostilities by implementing the Transitional Justice Policy. The transitional justice policy which is believed to contribute to sustainable peace, reconciliation and justice in Ethiopia has been developed through extensive consultations with pertinent stakeholders and incorporating international experiences with the objective to avoiding resentment by breaking the dichotomy between the transgressors and the victims. One of the bold steps and matured leadership of the Ethiopian government is its move to settle disputes through peaceful means. The Pretoria Peace Agreement is an unprecedented decision of the government. The peace deal ended the conflict in northern Ethiopia by fostering a culture settling disputes peacefully. This peace agreement signifies a mature and resolute decision to prevent future generations from inheriting a legacy of winners and losers characterized by animosity. By embracing this alternative approach, the nation managed to halt bloodshed and conflict. By signing of the peace agreement, the government went beyond its obligations stipulated in the accord and implemented a series of measures deemed necessary to cultivate trust and sustain peace. Considerable financial resources have been allocated by the government to facilitate financial and economic activities in the Tigray region. Given the substantial benefits of peace, the government has achieved beyond its obligations to heal the wounds inflicted by the conflict. However, this should be considered as a responsibility lies with the government and should not be misconstrued as an act of fear. In order to expedite the process, a National Rehabilitation Commission has been established. Hence, reconstruction and rehabilitation initiatives have commenced in the Amhara, Afar, and Tigray regions. The government has also established an environment conducive to the unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to Amhara, Afar, and Tigray regions. Specifically, in compliance with the agreement, it is imperative that the TPLF militants and other armed groups must disarm to address the issues surrounding areas defined by claims of identity and administrative affairs. Efforts to restore peace and resettle those displaced by the war must be ended. Failing to learn from past mistakes is more detrimental than committing an initial error. Without drawing lessons from our past mistakes, it is incumbent upon us to collaborate in subduing those who persist in perpetuating the same problems we face today. We must heed the dire consequences of employing law enforcement without exercising patience, as evident in our recent history. As it is stipulated in the Pretoria Agreement and enshrined in our Constitution, regional states are prohibited from maintaining armed and organized forces beyond the police and militia required for law enforcement at the state level; they should not exceed this limit. Hence, the disarmament process and associated procedures must be expeditiously implemented in accordance with the Rehabilitation Commission's plan. In nutshell, the Transitional Justice policy gives utmost attention to ensure its inclusivity and independence as the overall preparation involved 60 consultation sessions with regional stakeholders and another 20 sessions at the national level to gather inputs to improve the contents of the policy document. The policy has been issued with the objective of laying out the system in which a transitional justice can be secured to bring forth sustainable peace, reconciliation, prevalence of law and order, justice and democracy. For its successful implementation, several instruments will be employed including criminal investigation, putting the culprits before the courts of law and investigating the truth, forgiveness, compensation and other possible means like introducing reforms in systems.    
Ethiopian News Agency