Ethiopia’s Youth Participating at 47th World Skills Competition Underway in Lyon, France
Sep 11, 2024 2272
Addis Ababa September 11/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia’s talented youth are participating at the 47th World Skills Competition, which officially inaugurated on Tuesday by French President Emmanuel Macron in Lyon. The 47th World Skills Competition, which featured performances from Ethiopia's gifted kids, was formally opened in Lyon on Tuesday by French President Emmanuel Macron.   The Competition, that brought 1,400 competitors together from 69 countries and regions, is expected to draw 250,000 participants, including those attending the competition, ceremonies, and city-wide activities. This event promotes the excellence of savoir-faire in over 60 skills, reflecting their diversity and importance in the global economy. Running through Sept 15, this event, often referred to as the "Olympics of Skills", is the world's largest vocational education and skills competition, showcasing excellence across a wide range of trades. According to Minister of Labor and Skills, Muferihat Kamil, Ethiopian youth are participating at this global event by competing in ICT and Networking, CNC Machine, and Furniture Making skills. President of WorldSkills Lyon 2024, Max Roche highlighted the four core values of WorldSkills —excellence, generosity, openness, and unity. He said: "We believe that everything is possible with skills. This competition is all about sharing — sharing skills, knowledge, happiness, and success. We want to welcome everyone, no matter where they come from." Ethiopia officially joined World Skills International as a full member in last August which provides several economic and social significances for the country and its youth in terms of skill transfer, experience exchange, industry linkages among others.
PM Abiy Stresses Need for Visionary, Creative Youth to Spearhead Ethiopia’s Progress
Sep 9, 2024 3128
Addis Ababa September 9/2024 (ENA)Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed emphasized the crucial role of Ethiopia's visionary, industrious and creative young population in driving rapid transformation and development in the country. The Premier made the remark today during his address at the 2024 graduation ceremony of the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute summer camp training program. On the occasion Abiy highlighted the need for visionary, creative, and industrious youth to spearhead the country's progress. The Prime Minister emphasized that investing in artificial intelligence today is a strategic move that will yield significant benefits in the future. The Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute successfully concluded its 2024 summer camp with a graduation ceremony. The Premier addressed the graduating students, underscoring the strategic importance of artificial intelligence for Ethiopia's future development. “The institute's work is laying the groundwork for significant technological advancements in the years to come,” he added. Abiy also highlighted the pivotal role of the institute's training programs for first and second-level students in nurturing a new generation of creative and innovative Ethiopians. He reassured the students that the government is fully committed to supporting technological innovation and creating a conducive environment for their duty, emphasizing the government's Digital Ethiopia Strategy that prioritizes technology as a cornerstone of development, and reflecting the recognition of its vital role in modernizing various sectors of the economy. The Prime Minister also highlighted the recent official launch of the Information Network Security Administration's digital signature, a significant achievement driven by the country's young talent and emphasized its substantial benefits for technology innovators.   “To combat identity fraud and establish standardized procedures, the government has been actively working to implement a digital identity system for Ethiopian citizens,” noting that approximately 10 million people have already been registered, emphasizing the crucial role of digital identity for young people and teenagers as a foundational infrastructure for the future. The Prime Minister recalled that the training of 5 million Ethiopian coders will also foster a highly competitive and creative environment by producing well-qualified graduates with strong technological expertise. “The government's digital projects will create conducive environment for innovative individuals to thrive,” he added. Drawing inspiration from other countries that have achieved technological advancements through their focus on the youth, the Prime Minister encouraged Ethiopian youth to embrace hard work and innovation. “Ethiopia's success in technology depends on its young people's ability to contribute significantly to the field,” he emphasized. The Primer also urged the students to apply their acquired knowledge creatively and diligently in their future endeavors. He commended the parents of these promising students for their role in nurturing their children's potential.   Director General of the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute, Engineer Warku Gachena, on his behalf highlighted the participation of 200 students from various schools across the country in the two-month training program. He praised the success of this year's summer camp, where the trainees showcased their technological diversity, creativity, and skills both individually and as a team. The students were encouraged to remain dedicated and view challenges as opportunities for growth in their ongoing learning journey.      
PM Abiy Says Digital Information Security Crucial for Ethiopia's Modernization, Sovereignty
Aug 31, 2024 5769
Addis Ababa,August 31/2024(ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that Digital Information Security is crucial not only for Ethiopia's modernization but also in safeguarding the sovereignty of the country. The premier made the remarks at the officially launching ceremony of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) System today. This Public Key Infrastructure with the Information Network Security Administration will facilitate reliable and secure digital data exchange,” it was learned. Moreover, the infrastructure comprises hardware, software, professionals, and a legal framework. By encrypting data using mathematical formulas and decrypting it with secret keys, PKI enables digital signatures and data confidentiality verification, it was indicated. PKI encrypts data using mathematical formulas, requiring a secret key known only to the sender and receiver for decryption. It also enables digital signatures and data confidentiality verification through digital certificates. Speaking at the launching ceremony, Prime Minister Abiy emphasized PKI as a vital component of information network security management. The launch of PKI services demonstrates the institution's capacity and growth, reflecting Ethiopia's rapidly evolving digital landscape. He highlighted the need for a robust virtual security system to support digital development and the newly launched PKI system addresses this requirement. “Ethiopians have made a rich history in the field of military in order to protect the country's sovereignty, which made Ethiopia a country that is not easily conquered,” he underscored. According to the Prime Minister, the cyber-attacks now threaten national sovereignty, he said, adding that the recently launched Public Key Infrastructure is essential for protecting and strengthening Ethiopia's sovereignty. He added that the ongoing implementation of 5 million Ethiopian coders and a national digital identity will further propel Ethiopia's digital journey.  
Ethiopian Statistics Service Gears Up for 2nd National Agricultural Census
Aug 29, 2024 3257
Addis Ababa, August 29/2024 (ENA) The Ethiopian Statistics Service has announced that it is providing capacity-building training to over 43,000 professionals at universities in preparation for the second round of the National Agricultural Sample Census. The Ethiopian Statistics Service is making extensive preparations for the second round of the National Agricultural Census, scheduled to take place in 2024-2025, according to Abnet Awaz, the Institutional Transformation Executive Officer at the Ethiopian Statistics Service. In an interview with the Ethiopian News Agency, Abnet emphasized the significance of this nationwide agricultural census, stating that it will provide crucial input for the government's development initiatives and policy implementations.   He also highlighted the multifaceted benefits this census will bring to the country as a whole. The Service has already made significant progress in its preparations. They have conducted training for trainers, recruited supervisors, and, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Skills, have enlisted between 43,000 to 45,000 data collectors. Currently, capacity-building training for data collectors is being provided at universities across the country, including Gambella University. This training program commenced on August 23, 2023, and is a critical component of the census preparation. The manager of the Gambella branch of the Statistics Service, Dubale Kebede, provided additional insights into the scope of the national agricultural census. He explained that the year-long census would encompass all aspects of agricultural development work in the country.   The census will cover a wide range of agricultural data, including farmland, uncultivated land suitable for farming, livestock (including cattle, sheep, and goats), and a comprehensive count of domestic animals. Dubale also noted that the training for data collectors and supervisors, which began on August 23, 2023, is scheduled to continue until September 15, 2024, underscoring the thorough and meticulous approach being taken to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of this vital national census.  
INSA Launches 3rd Round Nat'l Summer Camp Cyber Talent Training Program   
Aug 21, 2024 3040
Addis Ababa, August 21/2024 (ENA) The Information Network Security Administration (INSA) in collaboration with Addis Ababa Science and Technology University officially launched the 3rd round national summer camp cyber talent training program today. The 3rd round national summer camp program brought together 300 cyber talented young students recruited from across the country. The training will be given at the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University for one month. The program was launched at the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University in the presence of INSA Director General, Tigist Hamid, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University President Dereje Engida, and invited guests. Speaking at the occasion, INSA Director General, Tigist Hamid said 300 talented students recruted from all over the country will participate in the training course. The program is expected to deliver courses in cyber security, technology development, embedded system and aerospace that enables the teenagers to be creative in digital technology. She called other youngsters in Ethiopia to participate at the 5 Million Coders initiative that aimed at equipping 5 million Ethiopian youth with foundational digital skills in Web Programming, Android Development, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (ASTU) President, Dereje Engida said that youth are the ones that determine the fate of Ethiopia.In this regard, ASTU as a center of excellence for science and technology, will closely work with INSA to develop skill, talent and knowledge of youth, he added, noting that the university will provide dormitory, cafeteria, among other services for some 200 students of the 3rd round national summer camp cyber talent training program. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) Customer Service President Haileyesus Bekele on his part appreciated the efforts of the country to enhance cyber security professionals that are critically important to ensure the cyber security of the country including the banking industry. The vice president expressed CBE’s readiness to work with INSA and will financially support innovations and talents as part of corporate social responsibility.
AI Transformative Power in Addressing Africa’s Multifaceted Challenges: NEPAD CEO
Aug 20, 2024 2181
Addis Ababa, August 20/2024 (ENA) The transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in addressing Africa’s multifaceted challenges across sectors and its potential to fast-track the realization of Africa’s Agenda 2063 was emphasized today. Speaking at the launching of the program “Shaping Africa's Artificial Intelligence Future Strategies for Inclusive and Collaborative National AI Policy Development, NEPAD Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nardos Bekele said AI plays transformative power in addressing Africa’s multifaceted challenges across sectors such as health, education, agriculture, and governance.   For her, Artificial Intelligence is no longer a concept confined to science fiction, it is a reality that is reshaping industries worldwide. “Artificial Intelligence holds the potential to accelerate the realization of our Agenda 2063 and make our moonshot more attainable.” The CEO noted the progress made by some African countries, including Ethiopia, Morocco, and Senegal, in establishing AI centers and programs. However, she pointed out the significant challenges such as a fragmented digital infrastructure and ethical concerns hindering AI adoption in Africa. AI systems must be inclusive and avoid perpetuating existing inequalities, Nardos warned, adding that data privacy is also a critical issue, especially in countries with underdeveloped data protection frameworks, the CEO explained. “The issue of data privacy is paramount, particularly in countries where legal frameworks for data protection are still under the road. Ensuring that AI is used ethically and responsibly is critical to its acceptance and success in Africa.” She called for a unified African approach to AI to overcome the hurdles African countries face. The importance of developing comprehensive national AI policies and strategies, aligning them with the African Union’s digital transformation strategy, is crucial, the CEO emphasized. According to Nardos, “it's clear that the momentum for AI adoption is building, with several African nations taking the lead in developing policies and frameworks to harness AI for social good.” She further noted that while some countries have made strides in developing national AI strategies, many others have yet to establish clear guidelines of regulatory frameworks for AI deployment. “Without a cohesive approach to AI policy, Africa is falling behind in the global AI race, unable to fully capitalize on the technologies potential for social good,” the CEO stressed. By working together, she said “we can harness the power of AI for the benefit of all Africans.”            
Ethio Telecom, VISA Company Launch New Int'l Digital Money Transfer Services
Aug 19, 2024 4077
Addis Ababa, August 19/2024 (ENA) -Ethio telecom launched new international digital money transfer services in collaboration with VISA Company, world leader in digital payment technology, today. The two sides have also signed strategic agreement to provide VISA Direct and tele birr remit services that will transform the existing international Hawala money transfer. Ethio telecom CEO Frehiwot Tamru and VISA Company Country Manager Yared Tadele signed the deal. The international money transfer services called “VISA Direct and telebirr Remit services” which are launched today will transform the existing remittance services and enable Ethio telecom users to have virtual VISA card wallet. VISA Direct service allows VISA card users living abroad to transfer money to their home country using the Tele Birr virtual card number. It also enables individuals and institutions send and receive money across over 190 countries in simple, fast and convenient way. Tele Bir Remit also enables users living abroad send money to their friends and relatives using Tele Bir number by installing the Tele Bir Remit application on their phone. Users can access the service by downloading the Visa Direct and telebirr RemitApps through the telebirr SuperApp. The move is expected to boost the amount of remittance sent to Ethiopia and it is a testament to Ethio Telecom’s commitment to providing its customers with the latest and most convenient financial solutions thereby realizing Digital Ethiopia.  
Over 95,000 Youth Attending “Five Million Ethiopian Coders” Training Program
Aug 19, 2024 1418
Addis Ababa, August 19/2024 (ENA) -More than 95,000 youth across the country are participating in the training on coding which is part of the “Five Million Ethiopian Coders” training program, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology disclosed. The “Five Million Coders” program launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed recently is being implemented in partnership with United Arab Emirates (UAE) to boost digital technology capability among the youth. The project is aimed at improving the technological knowledge of the youth to enable them to work in various countries too. The project envisages training to five million youth on web programing, developing android, data science, AI and to enable them acquire skills on basic digital technologies over the coming three years. State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yishrun Alemayehu told ENA that developing digital skills is of paramount importance in developing digital economy in the country. He added that compared to other African countries, the development of digital skills in Ethiopia is at rather lower level and demands more practical action, adding that the training is important to upgrading and developing digital skills. Creating a society with digital skills is one of the major goals of Digital Ethiopia 2025 and trainings on coding will be instrumental to realizing one of the objectives of the policy, he added. The “Five Million Coders” program which is being conducted in partnership with UAE will provide a training package of six weeks at the end of which the participants will be awarded with internationally accredited certificate, he further added. The State Minister further noted that the training will be conducted by UDTC, an international organization that provides online trainings on data science, android development and programing. The trainings will help to create a society that is well equipped with digital skills and now more than 95,000 youth have already started taking the training upon registration in the first round, he revealed. Yishrun further noted that the training will be conducted over a period of 3 years and every region and city administrations have been allotted training quota they can use, adding that necessary support will be provided for areas with shortage of power and internet connections. He said that the government will do everything to ensure the completion of the program and called upon the trainees to make all the necessary preparations to complete the skills training.    
Safaricom Ethiopia Appreciates Government Institutions Support for Achievements
Aug 15, 2024 2108
Addis Ababa, August 15/2024 (ENA) Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia CEO Vanhelleputte has appreciated government institutions for their support in registering the achievements which would have never been possible without their collaboration. Safaricom Ethiopia CEO Wim Vanhelleputte told ENA that “the company's commercial services would have never been possible without the support and collaboration of the government institutions in the country.” The company has reached almost half of the Ethiopian population with its 4G mobile internet services in about two years after launching commercial operations. Launching commercial services in October 2022 with about 1,000 telecom towers, it has tripled the telecom towers, he added. “That means we are providing 4G mobile internet data services to almost 50 percent of the population (of Ethiopia).” According to the CEO, the telecommunications company has been partnering with Ethio telecom to share infrastructure. “Out of the 3000 towers, we have built 60 percent completely ourselves; and we have some passive infrastructure sharing agreement with ethio telecom for about 40 percent of our towers. When we do infrastructure sharing, we still put our own telecom equipment, but we are using towers from their site with a sharing agreement,” he elaborated. The company has been working closely with the various ministries, institutions. and all regional states as well as the Office of the Prime Minister, it was learned. Vanhelleputte disclosed that Safaricom has created over 1,000 direct jobs and 10,000 indirect jobs, contributing to the country’s economic growth. In terms of customers, we have reached almost 5 million active customers, and we have kept on growing quite a lot over the last few months, he stated. “We are very hopeful that within less than a year, we would actually grow from 5 million to more than 10 million in the next 12 months. We're really in a very aggressive growth phase, and that is quite exciting.” Safaricom has almost 200 shops across the entire country. And Vanhelleputte stated that the company is really scaling up. “It has been a very exciting journey for the company. We are very happy about the progress that we have made so far.” Furthermore, the CEO reaffirmed Safaricom’s commitment to contribute to digital Ethiopia. The company’s focus on digital innovation is evident in the launch of MPESA, a mobile money platform that aims to contribute to Ethiopia’s transition to a cashless society. “One of the reasons why we want to invest in Ethiopia is to contribute to the government agenda of digital Ethiopia,” he pointed out, adding that the company will significantly contribute to transforming Ethiopia to a digital cashless society. While acknowledging challenges in accessing certain payment services, Vanhelleputte expressed optimism about future expansion into areas like fuel and tax payments. “We are hopeful that we will be able, together with all the other commercial banks and the other digital payment platforms, to offer our payment services to a wide range of payment or payment solutions, just like we recently did for the Ethiopian Electric Utility. So now also our MPESA customers can do digital payment of the electricity bill.” Safaricom Ethiopia has further pledged to invest in expanding its network coverage to reach 80-90 percent of the population and introduce new digital solutions. The company is also set to launch bank saving and lending products through MPESA in the near future, the CEO revealed.    
Ethiopia Working to Ensure Financial Inclusion Through Building Digital Economy: MInT
Aug 14, 2024 2328
Addis Ababa, August 14/2024 (ENA) -Ethiopia is working to ensure financial inclusion through building a strong digital economy, Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MInT) said. The 15th Edition of Connected Banking Summit, organized by the International Center for Strategic Alliances held today in Addis Ababa under the theme “Bolstering the Economy with Digitization and Financial Inclusion”. During the occasion, State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yishrun Alemayehu said that Ethiopia has been implementing its Digital Ethiopia 2025 Strategy to accelerate the transition to digital economy. The strategy is aimed at creating job opportunities, increasing foreign earnings, achieving sustainable development, he stated, and added that the strategy has also given due attention to Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to him, government service rendering institutions are being digitized, especially agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and Information Technology sectors. To this end, enabling infrastructure tasks are underway, Yishrun added. Moreover, he pointed out that the government is encouraging local and foreign private sectors to expand financial digitalization through strengthening public private partnerships. CEO of South African Fintech EFT, Clayton Hayward said on his part that Ethiopia should work on financial inclusion in order to sustain its economic development. In this regard, digital banking has paramount role, he said.
PM Abiy Invites Students on Break, Others to Participate in 5 Million Coders Initiative
Aug 12, 2024 3213
Addis Ababa, August 12/2024 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed invited all students on break, young professionals, and those eager for personal growth and making a positive impact locally and beyond to participate in the 5 Million Coders initiative, the large-scale capacity-building project for the country’s youth. It is to be recalled that the premier had launched the 5 Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative on July 23, 2024. The initiative, implemented through collaboration between the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopian governments, aims to provide online coding training to 5 million youth nationwide. This forward-looking strategy aspires to transform Ethiopia into a hub of technological advancement and economic growth, positioning the country for success in an increasingly digital world. The training primarily focuses on web programming, Android based app development, data science, and foundational digital skills in artificial intelligence. The PM said today on social media post that in today's fast-paced world, continuous learning and skills development are more important than ever. Hence, he invited all students on break, young professionals, and those eager for personal growth and making a positive impact locally and beyond to participate in the initiative. “The 5 Million Coders initiative has been launched to help you stay ahead, regardless of your career stage or goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your current skills, learn something new, or prepare for future opportunities, this initiative is designed for you,” the premier elaborated. He also strongly encouraged everyone involved in skill-building in Ethiopia—incubators, accelerators, universities, and others—to fully embrace this initiative. “Our nation's strength lies in your growth,” Abiy stressed. Those who are interested are invited to register through:  
Ethiopia Gives Priority to Enhance National Capacity in AI
Jul 26, 2024 4710
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024(ENA)-A strategy and operational planning documents have been prepared to implement Ethiopia’s national artificial intelligence policy, National Artificial Intelligence Institute remarked. Artificial Intelligence is currently being utilized in several economic, social and security areas in countries across the world. Ethiopia has accomplished various tasks particularly after the reform in utilizing AI technologies for social, economic, security and political purposes by establishing institution tasked with developing the sector. So far various activities have been conducted to make the country competitive in the sector. On its 37 Regular Session conducted this Ethiopia year, the Council of Ministers has passed a resolution to implement the National AI Policy which was developed during the course of the reform program in the country. Executive Director of the National Institute of AI, Worku Gachena told ENA that it took two years to prepare the policy document. He added that the government has prepared the policy document for AI by benchmarking the experience of other countries and by engaging pertinent professionals in the sector to effectively fulfil its goals of preparing the policy document. The Executive Director noted that many countries do not have such policy at their disposal and remarked that this shows the extent to which the government has prioritized activities to be accomplished in the sector. He said the policy provides an opportunity for all Ethiopians at overseas who wish to engage in the sector and develop personal and national capacity by operating in the sector.    
Ethiopian News Agency