Ethiopian Epiphany Conveys Message of Togetherness, Peace: EU Ambassador - ENA English
Ethiopian Epiphany Conveys Message of Togetherness, Peace: EU Ambassador

Addis Ababa, January 20, 2025 (ENA) ----The commemoration of the impressive feast of Timket (Baptism of Lord Jesus Christ) which brought peoples from various cultures and traditions conveys the message of togetherness and peace among Ethiopians, EU Ambassador to Ethiopia, Sofie From-Emmesberger said.
Ambassador Sofie From-Emmesberger was among the members of diplomatic community who attended Ethiopian Epiphany celebration that took place on Sunday at Jan Meda in Addis Ababa on 20 January.
She told ENA that Epiphany is an impressive religious celebration and tradition that showcase unity and togetherness among the peoples of the country.
Ethiopia is a country that different religions, cultures and traditions peacefully co-exist for millennia, the ambassador added that the festival also conveys a message of peace and coexistence.
“The festival is important in many ways since it stresses message of being togetherness, sharing meals, sharing ceremonies and message of peace,” she said.
According to her, such peaceful coexistence among religions, culture and traditions is a strong base for Ethiopia to move forward — bring about sustainable socioeconomic development in the country.
Timket promotes the development of tourism in the country as it attracts tourist from various countries of the world, she noted; emphasizing Ethiopia’s immense potential and abundance various tourism attraction sites such as the renovated National Palace Museum, Rock-hewn Churches of Lalibela among other places critical for tourists.
Moreover, beyond creating strong bondage among Ethiopian people, Ethiopian Epiphany (Timket) is of critical importance in promoting people to people ties and cultural exchanges between Ethiopians and other peoples who came to attend it from different corners of the world like Europe.
In this respect, the ambassador pointed out that such types of religious and cultural events are central to the duty of EU's embassy to take the advantage of promoting people to people ties and cultural cooperation between Ethiopia and Europe.
She added that the EU is committed to strengthening and deepening EU-Ethiopia relation in various ways such as through people to people ties and cultural cooperation; stressing that Ethiopian Epiphany, in this regard, is vital for connecting people to people contact and promoting cultural cooperation by enabling people to know each other’s culture and tradition.
“I think it (Timket) is a significant religious ceremony, and my role is to enhance and deepen the relationship between the EU and Ethiopia through various initiatives, including fostering people-to-people connections.
The ambassador also stated "the festival plays a crucial role in cultural cooperation, allowing individuals to learn about and appreciate each other's cultures. Promoting cultural cooperation is an essential aspect of my work.”
Ethiopian Epiphany, a UNESCO-inscribed intangible cultural heritage, is a significant tradition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
The festival is warmly celebrated nationwide from January 18 to 19 every year, the Tabots, replicas of the Ark of the Covenant wrapped in silk and borne in procession on heads of priests from various churches, accompanying by prayers and vibrant cultural performances.